Chapter 16- Confirmed Suspicions

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It took three days for the letter to arrive. Until then I was grounded in my room to rethink my 'life choices'.

In the middle of the morning, Jenni came bearing an unopened letter from her friend Julliette. She proceeded to read it, carefully, in my room. The only spectators were me and Fanny.

"My Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for the letter, it is always a pleasure to read your words. Mama is better from the flu and brother has been messing around too much with his sword. We fear he may turn like papa, only thinking about fighting! The nightmare!

The good news is that I brought several dresses and some cute jewelry. If you visit us you shall see it first hand. Anyway, I am thinking of using them for the tea party organized by Magdalene of Rivera. She is the daughter of the Marquis of Rivera, papa says they got rich and bought their title! How unsightly! But I am curious to know how they will throw the tea party. I can only imagine the tackiness of the ordeal. I sincerely hope you are invited as well, for you bring me the most joy at these gatherings."

I was already getting sick of hearing only trifle matters, that I worried she wouldn't discuss the matter I was most interested in.

Jenni, then, out of nowhere, got her breathing more agitated and I knew she had stumbled onto something of my interest.

"Now to your question my dear friend. You have no idea how Papa came home that day. He was furious! For several hours we couldn't even understand a word he said! Only that he was cursing to the wind. Mother was so shocked, and so was I.

After he calmed down, he told us the palace had been in complete chaos that afternoon. All because the Royal Prince Cedric and his aide had escaped the palace with the daughter of the Grand Duke Mountnero! For a moment I thought you had been kidnapped by that half-beast monster! Fortunately, it was just Lucreatia."

At those final words Jenni's voice got shaky and Fanny's face twisted. I didn't care and just pushed for Jenni to continue. With a heavy heart, she did as I asked.

"Papa said nothing else mattered that day but finding those troublemakers! They employed all the guards for it and even some knights. Imagine the nightmare!"

And with that, I had my answer. I already had imagined something like that, but now I had gotten my confirmation.

Jenni stopped reading and crushed the paper, her face was pure white and her eyes, normally calm, troubled.

"This is nonsense. I thought she was my friend!" She was crushing the letter almost to the point of ripping it off.

I stopped her with my hands and took it for myself. It could have other clues so I just read it. A hard feat, since Jenni and Fanny tried, by all means, to stop me. After reading I understood, the reason for such opposition.

"Jennifer, as your friend I can only express sorrow over the horrible misfortune that befell upon you in the form of a sister like Lucreatia. Mama and I cannot understand the Duke's kindness... she has no finesse, no manners, and got involved with such dubious individuals in her first visit to the palace! A feat, impossible to an honorable lady of good character.

I indeed feel pity for you, my dear friend, and for the poor Duke as well. To have the great name of Mountnero dragged to the mud by an orphan like Lucreatia is painful to see. And you should be careful! Mama tells me the Duke's enthrallment can only be caused by magic. If not, how could she look so much...."

It was then that the letter got ripped from my hands, by a fuming Fanny. She gave it to Jenni who burned it in the fireplace.

"I cannot believe the nonsense on that letter. My Lady Jennifer, you shouldn't mingle with such a crude person anymore! What unsettling behavior for a lady! Please choose your friends more carefully!" Fanny continued to expel her angry words, while Jenni agreed calmly.

I caught a sad look on Jenni's face while she stirred the fire, burning the letter thoroughly. Fanny had it too, behind her furious expression.

I, however, just could care less over what a wannabe lady of nobility thought of me. It was no news that Lucreatia was hated by high society, it was something written in the book, for goddess sake. When I came to be in her body, this was expected. As long as it is only crude remarks, I had no concerns.

What was new and troubling was another topic. According to the words of the wannabe lady, the palace employed a huge task force to find me and the troublemakers. Nothing that would endanger the security of the crown, but enough for something to slip by.

And while both the girls vented their frustrations over the wannabe, I thought of how stupid I had been... They used me as a freaking bait! Worst...

'I got played by an 8-year-old!'

The nerve!!!

Lulu's is furious!! XD 

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Lulu's is furious!! XD 

Do you think she was right to be angry?  


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