"What great news!!!" Fanny had her hands up in the air in pure excitement.
The glee of the girl was shared with Jenni, though in a more subdued measure.
"Yes, and papa told us we should buy some new dresses as well!" Jenni remarked with a smile on her face.
"Oh, then we should go to the Lamoure boutique! It is the best in the capital! And your favorite Miss Jennifer!" Fanny was in her world, surely planning all the 1000 looks she would try on us for the tea party.
Even before it all began, I was already feeling tired. While the dresses were beautiful and all, it was a pain to move on them and even more of a hassle to get on them. When everything in this second life was new, I was really too excited to have noticed it. Now, I noticed it all too well.
"Right! Miss Jennifer, the jewelry that you and the Duke have requested has arrived." Fanny rushed somewhere out of my room.
Five minutes, and she returned with a small blue velvet box.
Jenni smiled at the blue box and gave it to me without opening it. I looked at her confused.
"When you woke up, I and papa thought of something to offer you as a present for getting better. It took longer than I had expected, but I hope you liked it." Jenni had an expectant look on her face, waiting for me to open the present.
Fanny was her excited self, pressing me to open it fast.
And so I did. It was a small and quite simple golden bracelet with seven silver rocks that looked dull without any light. But when some light shone upon them, something inside the rocks seemed to move. Beautiful and mysterious, were the words I would use to describe it.It was not what I had imagined as a present from the Mountnero family, but I loved it.
So with help of Fanny, I was able to put it on my left wrist. I hugged Jenni and told her I loved it very much, which made her and me very happy. Fanny then started to go back to her crazy plans for the tea party, which brought my stress back.
At least I had a new present, it should help me get through all Fanny's craziness.
Hahahahaha. Of course not.
Days and days passed until finally came the day to go to the boutique.
The Duke had been excited all week to go with us until in that same morning came a summoning from the Emperor, requesting his assistance with some topic, which no one said what it was and I really didn't care.
Gobbie was prepared to refuse and pretend he was sick, however, he was dragged by his aides and some employees of the Royal Palace. I could see his tears of suffering as he was dragged by several men. How strong was that man?
So in the end it was just me, Jenni, and Fanny. And of course our guards.
We went to our "normal" carriage, being followed by several guards on horse.
The girls started to talk about all the dress styles, colors, and even accessories that were in vogue at this time. Since my sense of fashion, while not bad, was certainly not on their level, I kept quiet. Lost in my thoughts.
As I watched them chattering happy, a question came up to me. A question I had on the back of my head but only now made sense to me to ask.
"Jenni, from my understanding Fanny is my personal maid, which why she is coming to help me with the dresses. But where is yours? Don't you have one?" The happy ambiance inside the carriage died instantly with my question.
Jenni and Fanny avoided my glance for some moments, which I thought was weird. Why the silence? And why the long faces?
"She got sick, My lady." Responded Fanny flustered.

My Wonderful Second Life
FantasyFeatured at Wattpad's Editor Picks list. Luna, an overworked Engineer, had an unfortunate end. Her spirit, feeling wronged, fights Death for a second chance in life. Death grants her the wish, but with a catch. She gets to live a new life in a new w...