When the carriage of the Napolita family came, the Mountnero members had already gathered outside, by the entrance, to greet the guest, together with the servants.
At the front, was the Duke with his two most trusted aides, and just behind him were me and Jenni. Fanny stayed close to my side, though a step away from the family.
The rest of this entourage, butlers and senior maids, were by the entrance stairs looking preem and proper. An air of pride and joy-filled them, as they were hoping to look the best, to what many considered to be a future member of the family. Everyone except the actual family seemed satisfied. Jenni had a worried expression on her usual calm and relaxed expression, the duke had the face of someone who ate the bitterest lemon, and I.... well I was preparing myself to be the biggest bitch I could be.
The Napolita carriage, which came closer by the second, was pulled by eight snow-white horses and was devoid of any striking color, being more on the brown and grey color scheme. Contrary, to our soft yet exaggerated craftsmanship, they had very hard lines and a sober image. Their cote of arms the withe bear at the center of it.
When they finally parked in front of the entrance, a boy of Jenni's age stepped outside, followed by a strict-looking aide.
The boy, the future Duke of the North, had short brown hair and green eyes. His face was very neutral, with a big nose and a hard jaw. Dressing with a brown long coat and dark pants, he looked sharp, though unremarkable. I imagined that his future self would be just like the book described. Short, not handsome, yet with agreeable features. It also mentioned his hair would turn greyish in the future. A common trait in the Napolita family.
However, no matter how familiar and easy-going he seemed, it was still hard to read him at the beginning, that is until he went to greet the duke.
"Great Duke of Mountnero, it's an honor to finally meet you! Father has told me of many wonderful stories about your excellency." He gave Gobbie a goofy smile as he approached in large strides.
I couldn't see the duke's expression, but I could feel a cold breeze. The poor child was not starting well.... yes!
I noticed the boy's aide cough a little, a clear sign for him to change his topic. Or it would sour things indefinitely.
"Ah, yes. Please allow me to present myself! My name is Joshua of the Napolita house, and I have come to meet my fiance, Lady Lucreatia." He extended his hand to the Duke, expecting to receive a warm handshake.
The air got colder and colder. Everyone, except the clueless Joshua, stopped breathing as if it would help in some way with the cutting atmosphere. The boy's aide, sweating profusely, was now very much afraid of the immensely angry Gobbie, who turned to Joshua in a slow and calculated movement. Anyone would freeze at Gobbie's silence, yet the idiot child just continued to smile and have his hand extended.
As you would have guessed by now, his hand would continue to hover into nothingness, never to be acknowledged. The duke would not be kind enough to greet him.
"Lord Joshua, as a candidate you cannot address Lady Lucreatia as your fiance." Told his sweaty aide in semi whispered tones, cleaning some of the cold sweat away with a handkerchief.
The boy, quickly turned at him with a puzzled face, without a pinch of grasp on the situation at all.
"Lord Joshua." Said the duke, demanding attention from the boy. "Your aide is right, as a candidate, your position is nothing more than that of a friend. If, and only if, the two parts accept to be engaged, then you would be able to call my daughter a fiancee. Until then it is Lady Lucreatia. " The Duke's voice was coarse and had an edge in it, which made all the spectators uneasy and by now even the clueless idiot.

My Wonderful Second Life
FantasyFeatured at Wattpad's Editor Picks list. Luna, an overworked Engineer, had an unfortunate end. Her spirit, feeling wronged, fights Death for a second chance in life. Death grants her the wish, but with a catch. She gets to live a new life in a new w...