Chapter 26- The start of the tempest

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Following that horrid night, every food directed at me was tasted beforehand. I was uncomfortable with the situation, though Fanny didn't allow for discussions. Neither she nor our other loyal servants allowed any talk on that matter, and everyone shared the burden of taking a piece of food before me.

Thankfully, nothing affected any of them and I could eat with some confidence. By the middle of the morning, I was feeling much better already, though I was always cautious of my surroundings. Until we got help from the foxy prince, we had to lie low.

We knew by now that they had delivered the letter, as Lady Beatrice was in such haste for it she even sent an express messenger to the palace last night. Obvious as the hot Sun that graced this land, she got mad at Jennifer for forgetting such an important date, yet after looking over it and being convinced of its innocence, Lady Beatrice pushed for the letter's delivery.

I just hoped Francis did something about it, as I was sure he would understand the meaning of Jennifer's letter. Her confidence in him was rock solid and unmoving, mine not so much, but the options were far too meagre for me to check for other options.

In the afternoon, as I stayed in my bed recovering, with Fanny and Jenni by my side, the door opened to reveal the bitch tutor in all her glory. I almost rolled my eyes and cried "bitch" but contained myself since I didn't do well with physical punishments. This time, as always, she came to fetch me to a "private lesson". Today, however, she looked triumphant and instead of the usual dull attire, she wore a frilled dress in white adorned with painted camellias all over it. Her hair, now down, was of a full caramel color and her eyes, green, were free of the glasses she normally wore. She looked very much like the lady of the house... oh, this is not good.

The dress was glorious and yet familiar, to my sister and maid.

"Lady Beatrice, that belonged to the late lady of this house... No one is allowed to touch it, except for Lady Jennifer, not even the Duke!" accused Fanny horrified at such an act of disloyalty.

"Silence, servant or you shall receive a punishment for that dirty mouth!" yelled the tutor, taking the stick she so much loved, from her pockets and back to her hands.

I was about to raise myself from the bed, to protest this fucking treatment, when a small hand squeezed me to the point of almost hurting. It was Jenni, which made sure through her eyes to shut me up.

"Lady Beatrice, please forgive Fanny." started Jenni with a pleading voice, still with her hand on mine, though her eyes focused on the bitch with the stick. "I actually think it complements you very much, Lady Beatrice. However, I do not understand the interference into our personal space. I recall informing you, my lady, that Lucreatia is right now unwell and needs some rest." she said with obvious fake politeness.

Lady Beatrice smiled at her, bringing herself close to us with an air of elegance and possession that did not fit her or her position.

"My sweet Lady Jennifer, I am afraid I cannot allow such laziness from your sister. To become a true lady one needs to sacrifice and put in a lot of effort. Something your sister has failed to do, time and time again..." her voice was, as always, sweet and condescending towards us. She went for a small touch on Jennifer, however, the latter stopped her hand with a glove she had in her lap. That surprised Lady Beatrice and enraged her, though it only showed through her colder eyes. "While your father, the Great Lord of this noble Empire is away, is my duty to take care of this manor and your education, as I see fit. And as such, you girls shall do as I order."

Servants started to fill the room, aware now of the situation I was in. Some seemed to have received some kind of punishment already but still pleaded for my well being. I was beyond myself, specially seeing that this lady seemed unrepentant and plain crazy. How dare she...

Though the grip was tightening over my trembling hand, I didn't care. I would say what had in my mind to that shit and maybe throw her a chair or two. That was my intention until Fanny moved in front of the bed pleading in the ground, while two bulky, enormous and omnibus Templars passed the doors of my room, shoving anyone in their way.

A shove that sent many of our loyal people to the ground, in pain. As I watched their approach and the hurt they inflicted, my heart shrunk, while Lady's Beatrice smile grew. The fucking bitch.

I knew, as Fanny stood before us, to protect us, that she would be hurt by those man. The thought was unbearable and all this suffering was making me too upset. So I did what was the best, I freed myself from Jenni, got up, and put myself in front of Fanny. Signalling my willingness to go with Lady Beatrice, the Templars stopped dead on their tracks.

As not exactly dressed in my class attire, but contrary to princess bitch, who moved around in a nightgown, my day resting gown was much more robust and with way more fabric on me. And while too heavy for a good night sleep, my lavender silk gown, allowed me extra mobility, which may be handy with bitch over here... So I went passing by lady bitch, with my head high.

Looking back, I saw the worried faces of my sister and Fanny, but there was not much to do. No matter what we did I would have to go with Lady Beatrice, I may as well spare others of the fury of the beasts people called sacred warriors. Besides as long as I didn't eat anything, it should be fine. If not, I still had some of the holy water, stored in my underpants.

As I followed lady Beatrice, who had passed me in large steps and whose smile was quite close to that of death (except the guy, compared to her was cool... she was a nasty shrew), I heard the cries of the servants and Jenni.

Oh well... I am screwed already....

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New chapter!!! What did you think?

I think people are going to be angry in the next chapters... But retribution is coming and karma may take a long time but doesn't miss it.

Lady Beatrice is horrible... but lulu is strong, though, in this Act, I would like to bring a more sensible and frail side of her (without being too much damsel in distress I hope... I mean she is a child... there is not much to do...).

Also, I would like to take the opportunity to highlight the other characters, whose story gets entangled with our main character's.


Some suggestions while you wait for the next chapter:

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