Chapter 26- The First Blessing

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"Then girls, time to take the diamond from your basket." She patted on our backs to signal for us to search for the rock.

It was easy, as there was only one diamond and it was gigantic, barely fitting in my two hands. They do like extravagant things in this family...

At this, the High Priestess got up and turned to the Goddess with the golden sceptre in her right hand.

Wait a minute...

Where in the hell did she get the sceptre from? It was enormous (as everything...) and impossible to conceal, being made entirely of gold! I was dumbfounded while looking at the Priestess.

She told us, in a serious tone, to turn and look at the Goddess. At this Jenni came closer to me and turned to the statue, expecting me to follow.

Still dumbfounded, I turned slowly as the High Priestess started her prayers. Maybe I could see where the spectre came from. It was a cool trick... they cannot use magic in the Temple anyway... right? That was no possible...

"Goddess, mother of the Sun Empire, accept these children as your own. Let them bask in your light and kindness. Let them walk in life with your teachings in mind." There was a command on her voice I didn't expect from a request to the Goddess. "Girls put your diamonds in the water and repeat after me." Now the tone was sweeter.

Goddess, please accept our heart and our pledge to serve your way through life. And may we get your blessing through death and beyond.

The water started to grow brilliant and shiny. Right after some turbulence made I almost lose my grip on the diamond. All of it crept me a little... what heck was this shit?!

Then I noticed the diamonds changing their colour and the Goddess got even more resplendent. It was at this time that Aunt Belladona came closer and sat again between us. Mind you, without the sceptre, which begged the question were the fuck she put that shit...

"Girls, the Goddess has accepted your call. And with that, she has given you a glimpse into your soul. Take the diamond away and show it to me." Told the aunt, serene and with a grin on her eyes.

The first to show was Jenni. Her diamond was of blue colour, beautiful just like her.

"Ah... the blue of the ocean. Your father had got the same, cold but decisive. It's a colour that goes right with our house." Then she lightly shook it and something darken inside. "Uhm... something is beneath that... a brown...loyalty... unbreakable. It will guide you through your life." She did sound curious, same as Jenni.

Aunt Belladona looked at her niece diamond for a while until she returned it back. Then she turned to me and extended her hand. When she noticed the colour of mine, her eyes enlarged.

"Red and such vibrant colour at it. Tempestuous and unmoving. There is a confrontation in your soul and a deep wish to live. But to survive in the court you need to let go of your confrontation." She said as she looked intently at the diamond in her hand.

"But I don't want to just survive, I want to live." It surprised me that those words came from my mouth, they were the truth but not one I initially wanted to share.

"Then you will have to gather power, my dear." The high Priestess said in all seriousness and with her eyes cold as a rock, resembling her brother the most at that moment.

Then she returned at my diamond, checking it with precision.

"Uhmmm... there is something else... beneath all the scarlet. A pink of compassion and empathy... that is indeed odd to get. It will be with you for your life and may shape the way your life goes. Can very well bring you trouble."

"Shouldn't we all be empathetic?" Again I received a cold stare from the Priestess. Not sure why though, since to me it was common knowledge.

Were the Temple preaching about being good to others? Wasn't she preaching to me and Jenni about "suffering" because we had much? What is the change of ideas going on?

"Of course, though in your case I see it as a reason to flare your tempest mood." She said returning to her calm and warm way.

To me, however, all sounded like crap... so much crap. And she, auntie Belladona, was way too suspicious. But for some reason, I couldn't see an utter dislike towards Lucreatia. No, that was not the vibe I got from Aunt Belladona. It was something else, though I wasn't sure what. She was a big mystery.

"Aunt Belladona..." said a meek voice behind the Priestess.

Jenni grabbed some of our aunt drape, nervous and looking away. At that, we look at her, and I already knew what she was gonna say. Nooooo... I had to stop her, but how without raising suspicions? Shit.

"Aunty there was an incident in the..." I tried to give furious signs to Jennifer, but she didn't understand what I meant or simply didn't see it.

"Umm.... the escapade from the castle? Or the tea encounter went wrong with princess Odette?" Asked the Priestess.

Both me and Jenni were surprised at those words. How? Who told her? Hardly thought the princess or the prince would tell her something.... what heck...

"I understand your concerns, my dear nieces. Princess Odette, while a great believer and patron of incredible causes, can indeed be hard to understand and a little rough to some. But don't worry, her brother, the prince, would make sure she behaves accordingly and won't go over the top." She told while grabbing us close.

So, in the end, she wouldn't do shit. Great. Nice. Fantastic. In a swift movement, aunt Belladona brought us to her embrace. It was time to say goodbye.

"Dear nieces, I wish you the best." She whispered softly, then reached closer to me. "My dear Lucreatia, you caused so much ruckus already... the Temple is watching. Be careful." Concern filled her whisper. It wasn't threatening, it was a warning. And a serious one.

Crap.... it was more serious than I had thought... shit.

Then she let us, gave a smile like nothing had happened and those words had not been pronounced.

We walked the long corridor, without our baskets or our diamonds (because of course...).

"Tell Gobbie that I missed him!" She shouted as we were almost reaching the door.

What?! Gobbie? Don't tell me... she meant the Duke? Hahahahhahahahha

Gobbie Bubby, a ducey Duke.


Don't know why, but I sure thought the nickname was appropriate and funny. Though I wanted to laugh out loud I just gave a smile to our aunt and left with Jenni to outside.

Time to meet Goddie.

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