Chapter 22- There was an aunt?

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On our trip back to the manor, Jenni's face was twisted in worry. I was sure she was thinking of telling the Duke about what happened today at the princess palace. However, I couldn't have her blab to Duke, knowing him he would make such a big fuss that it would cause a rift in the family's relationship. And would get the blame for it? Me, of course. So no, I can't have Jenni telling the Duke.

"Let's forget what happened today, Jenni." Finally, her eyes set on mine, before they were all over the place. "I am sure you received a request from Prince Francis to do so." Calling it "request" was far-fetched since it was basically a threat, but it wouldn't easy things up Jenni if I called what it really was.

"True. And as subjects of the Sun Empire, we should obey our next Emperor." Said Jenni, thinking out loud. Her face was still with a worried expression and her eyes now were away from mine. "Still, I think we should discuss this as an adult. One we can trust."

"But which adult? All the adults we know and trust work for the Duke and if we tell them, he will know what happened." I said pushing my body forward a little to get Jenni's attention again.

"There is one, who will keep secrecy." She again gave me a look with her blue eyes. Now determined and unnerving. "Our aunt. Father's older sister."

I am sure my face must have been of shock because I was certainly not prepared for that information. An aunt? I never about her before, at the manor or at the book. Who was this lady?

"Ah, you must have forgotten because of your sickness." Jenni takes my hand and gives me a comforting squeeze. Her eyes calm and her face warm, allow me to see how endearing Jenni was. "Aunt Belladona is the High priestess of the Temple. She will keep our secret and give us some advice."

My shock grew. High Priestess? She must have been the one before the main lead girl took over. But I never knew who she was, only that she died before passing her role to the main lead. There was nothing in the book saying she was a Mountnero.

If that was true, then we were related to the most powerful person in the Temple beside the High Priest, which gave me a chilling feeling. I didn't like it... and I am sure the Temple didn't like me either. Not when I helped a half-beast and hang out with a prince of the neighbor empire, which didn't follow the temple rules.

Though she may be our aunt, I was not sure she would actually help us at all. Or at least me, the adopted one and the reason for all these problems.

"Jenni, maybe we should just leave it. I am sure aunt Belladona has more urgent things to take care of than such a small childish issue..." I said in a sweet, trying to convince Jenni of just forgetting this day altogether.

"Don't worry, auntie will be happy to hear from us. She likes you very much, Lulu." As Jenni gave a small smile to reassure me, I felt everything but that. And I was not sure of my aunt's likeness of me. "Besides, we will have to go see her soon anyway..." Jenni sat back leaving my hand without her warmth.

"We do?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. We should have gone earlier to get our First Blessing from her before. As it is custom for members of the nobility. But Father delayed it due to your sickness..." she no longer looked at me, instead she concentrated her gaze at the window. Almost like she was avoiding me. "However, overhead that she sent a kind reminder the other day. Papa didn't seem very happy but he agreed on a date, not sure when. Only that is soon." After that, she became silent for the rest of the trip.

I also went silent, thinking what a heck was the First Blessing? There was no mention of that in the book, but then again it never mentioned Aunt Belladona either.

It made me curious about who she was, yet I was definitely cautious over it. If the crazed Duke was so evasive, to the point of delaying the "First Blessing", then how good could she be?

Something told me, not much.

Something told me, not much

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Uhhhhh.... a mysterious aunt?! What do you think about it? And of the chapter?

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