Entering the cold and uninviting room that Lady Beatrice used as a classroom filled me with a sense of dread. That and the horrid perfume of Lady Beatrice that infested the room and my poor nostrils. The intensity was so big; it made me cough through my way to the white square table I used for the "studies".
With me seated, she finally turned to me, her back to the only window in the room, tall and wide. It showed me the lush back gardens and, on the far horizon, the stables. And then I focused on her glance of distaste and her smugness, which made me quiver with anger.
Oh, if I was older... you shithead would have no hair by now, much less that smug smile.
A signal from her and the doors closed behind me, leaving me and her alone. Not sure if it was the intention or if the Templars just wanted to get away from the horrible smell, to which Lady Beatrice called perfume, even with their full head to toe armour, I was pretty sure they wouldn't be safe of that perfume.
uh? Something felt strange...
Lady Beatrice then again started circling the table, as she always did in my broken memory. However, now my mind was clearer... or so I thought. Soon it became fuzzy again. Odd... I didn't eat or drink anything yet, nothing at least that had not been tested beforehand.
How come my mind is again feeling fuzzy and my legs and arms dormant?
And again she circled, taking her time to look at me in every detail. Analysing me from up to down. The more she circled and filled the air with that horrid scent, the more I understood what was happening. Of course, it was not the food or drink she laced with poison, it was the dammed perfume!
Fuck... that was a hard shit to beat...
"My Lady Lucreatia..." started the bitch in a slow pace, as I tried my damned best to avoid breathing all that fucking poison. Unfortunately, the success rate was not big on that one. " you are the most undisciplined child I ever met. Your case is quite severe and I am afraid the duke, with his heart of gold," I scoffed at those ridiculous words, which fortunately didn't catch the bitch's attention. " is unable to see what is best for you."
I glanced at her in silence, as she stepped closer to me, the stick now beating her hand in repeated movements. She waited for a few heartbeats, assessing my reaction, which I tried to maintain neutral."While you stay here, you would never become a true lady."
Her voice echoed in my brain as I tried desperately to avoid smelling the poison that tried to kill my senses.
"I hope you remember something about your training, though if I am sincere, I am not that hopeful... Still, you must remember the Goddess law of union..." bitch smiled again before returning to her circling of hell.
I didn't like where this was going, but all my concentration was on trying to avoid the poison as much as possible, breathing only when she was away and when needed. In the back of my mind, an emergency escape was getting increasingly more urgent, yet my thinking was now starting to get far from straight.
"Lord Joshua..." oh, crap! " Is of excellent background, my lady. And he is extremely worried about you after what he found out in the royal library." at this Lady Beatrice, who had been close to the window cabinet for some time, showed in one of her hands a familiar book. The alchemy book I used for my studies!
My eyes grew, while the bitch's smile became beaming with happiness, she had got me where she wanted. Trapped.
I just hoped I wouldn't be sent to Temple's camp...
With the book in her hand, Lady Beatrice came closer again. She went behind my back in slow steps and threw the book back on the table. Though small, the alchemy book made a heavy sound when falling, which made me turn to it for a moment before sticking my eyes back to the window view. At this Lady bitch, came closer to my ear and in cunning and venomous voice talked:

My Wonderful Second Life
FantasyFeatured at Wattpad's Editor Picks list. Luna, an overworked Engineer, had an unfortunate end. Her spirit, feeling wronged, fights Death for a second chance in life. Death grants her the wish, but with a catch. She gets to live a new life in a new w...