Late that night, when everyone was asleep, tired from the tumultuous party, I stayed up, taking out the bracelet Eloise gave me from its velvet satchel. I had hidden it under a pillow, while Fanny had helped me out of my attire, waiting for this moment to have a better look.
Although there was no lit candle in my room, the moon was enough to let me see how similar was the fake bracelet with the real one. At a first glance, there was nothing that could distinguish them apart, except one rested on my palm and the other dangled from my wrist. However, through some shy rays of moonlight, I captured a difference. The rocks. The fake ones didn't look as alive as the ones on my wrist. Inside, they appeared to be unmovable, solid, while the others, shallow, moved with a flow different from what was around them.
It was a distinction someone would only catch if he or she would look for it. And if I was lucky, no one would.
I slung my feet while I sat on my bed, still looking at the two. Then, because sleep was overpowering me, I switched the bracelets, putting the one Emmanuel gave me in the satchel instead. For a few moments, I waited to see how I would feel.
I felt nothing unusual. A little lighter maybe, nothing more. It was weird, but it felt right.
Taking some deep breaths, I turned to the dark blue satchel laying next to my hand, on top of my comfy quilt. I had to hide it. Where, though? My head turned to look around. It would never be safe inside my room. The maids would catch it, and Fanny would see it. The wind blew softly, my eyes following it to the open window of my balcony.
With a push from my elbows, I left my bed and went outside to see the moon. It was descending, and from the horizon, I could discern the beginnings of a sunrise. There was not much time left.
I searched in panic for anything, any place that could help me. Then, my eyes settled on some vases by the rail. They were small and the plants robust. Besides water, they needed very little maintenance. The perfect hiding spot. And so, I buried the satchel, the bracelet. Deep.
After, I went to sleep, a smile emerging on my lips. Dreams of broken chains overtaking my conscience.
The ball had been a tremendous success. However, I hadn't truly realized its full impact until I began receiving letters congratulating me on my impending birthday from all the best and biggest families in the empire. The number of unopened letters rose as the day approached.
What a party full of ostentation cannot do...
Everyone seemed excited about my sleepover gathering. Even if there were only a few guests expected, the ones who would appear couldn't have been from better families. Two royal princes, two royal aides, and two daughters of great dukedoms. Unless the Emperors marched right after, it would have been hard to beat this guest list.
With that in mind, the maids were especially careful to maintain everything in its best way. Every room, every floor, every wall, every crook. Everything was clean and nothing was out of place. The house was full of laughter and expectation. Except for one sour element. Gobbie. He had been awfully quiet about my sleepover party on the days preceding it. I guessed two scenarios. That he thought he could "convince" the princes to not show up or that he could find a way to keep them "entertained" that night.
I was convinced he tried both. A drama queen like him would always try both. His whimper and sad looks during the afternoon of my party, however, told me he had been unsuccessful in his attempts. What shocking news!
This made him act in a crappy mood to everyone else, except me and Jenni. His most loyal aides avoided breathing close to him, afraid that it could trigger a tantrum. While waiting in our drawing room for our guests to arrive, his scowl grew sharply. Every so often, I could hear a whimper coming from behind the newspapers he was pretending to read. It was as if he was a wounded animal and it was making my nerves boil.

My Wonderful Second Life
FantasyFeatured at Wattpad's Editor Picks list. Luna, an overworked Engineer, had an unfortunate end. Her spirit, feeling wronged, fights Death for a second chance in life. Death grants her the wish, but with a catch. She gets to live a new life in a new w...