Act II End

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So we reach the end of Act II!!!

Before anything, I would like to thank everyone who has read until this far!!

I appreciate all the comments and all the feedback. This way I can improve my writing.

Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed this story enough, even with all my shortcomings as a writer.

But... like before on the Act I end, I would like to throw some questions at you. And because I am a lazy bum, I will repeat them from the Act I end. I apologize for such (not much though XD).

-What did you like the most about this Act? And why?

-What did you like less? And why?

-Which character was the one you loved?

-Which character did you love a little less or even ●gasps in horror● hated?

-Which scene did you enjoy the most? And what was the one you enjoyed (a little) less?

- Overall, what did you think of the pace? Was it good and entertaining?

New questions... (because I am not THAT lazy... XD)

- Have you seen an improvement from Act I to Act 2? The writing was better? The storyline?

-Which act did you prefer?

I will be on the lookout for all your comments 🥰🤗


Writer: Let's welcome, the favourite of all, Wolff!

-embarrassed Wolff waives back-

-The writer melts-

Wolff: Thank you for having me... (his ears twitch recklessly)

-The writer turns into a pool of melting-

Wolff: Is everything alright?

W: Everything is fine! I would like to ask you as I did with Lulu, what did you think of the late Act?

Wolff: Fun in the beginning, but quite stressful by the end. And I am really worried for Lady Lucreatia... Please don't be mean to her... She is nice.

-The writer avoids his eyes-

Wolff: I am not comfortable... are those cookies?

W: Of course, have a go at them. Continuing our conversation... Who did you like in this Act 2?

Wolff: mumble... mumble... His highness and Lady Lucreatia.

W: And miss Fanny? (the writer smiles wickedly)

-Wolff stops eating and turns tomato-

Wolff: Yes... (he looks at the floor)

W: (writer smiles for a little more) And are you excited for the next Act?

Wolff: Very much!! And I hope everyone is too!

W: Me too! Any words for our readers?

Wolff: Thank you for the support.

Thanks! And see you soon!


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Views. 57.2k

Votes: 2.84k

Chapters: 83 (in total), 47 in Act 2

Words: ~ 100k (Act1 and 2), ~ 66K in Act 2

Curiosities: Actually this Act turned way bigger than what I had in mind... I was initially unsure what route to follow. I had a vision for Act 3 (though not such clear as it is now turning into be) but Act 2 was needed to set that in place. I hope I have done a good job and ended up liking it as much as I did, though it was not easy at first.

What is coming next: Drama, parties, magic, tragic happenings, new characters (that I love) and much more. Stay tuned! (already today :))

Some new things may come soon, so stay on the lookout.

Suggestions: A suggestion (only for +18) is my horror story  What happened at Beldmount Boarding School? This one is dark and heavy. I like it and hope to have you as a reader there as well (if this is your cup of tea).

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