Chapter 7- A great invitation

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Fortunately, the walk didn't last much longer. It was all thanks to Jenni, who managed to cut it short by implying that soon would be her study time. Joshua, the idiot, believed her and agreed it was time to end the walk.  Right after we arrived at the manor,  the boy and his aide were escorted out of our property, by the duke's stressed-out aides.

I can only imagine what they had to handle with that whiny Gobbie while we were away.

The Duke's hospitality had reached its limit for today, and so was his patience to maintain an air of neutrality. When the unfortunate visitors had passed our golden gates, he made sure to throw some holy salt on them.

They bring bad luck with them!!

Gobbie's words, not mine! Nevertheless, I agreed with him. And I almost went there myself to throw the salt as well.

The day had been hectic, but still, my mind couldn't rest. I had to get rid of that fool, yet he was worst than a tick when it grabbed to its food. It stuck onto your leg and sucked the blood away and, in my case, my patience.

At night Jenni came to my bedroom to have some tea before bed. Her worried expression marred her pretty face.

"How are you feeling Lulu?" She asked as she served me a camomile tea and a chocolate cookie.

"Restless Jenni. He is awful! We have to do something!" I replied, taking a big chunk of the cookie into my mouth.

I needed sugar to sweeten the sour of the day.

"You should remain calm, he is only a candidate. And it will be your choice if you want to go forward with the engagement or not." Jenni gave me a warm smile before taking a small bite of a butter cookie. The red moonlight shining on her straight and composed hair.

"I am afraid it won't be that simple... it was them, the Temple. I am sure it was those people who arranged this and they will do the impossible to have me married to that fool." My tired sigh and voice were soothed by the warm tea.

Jenni, however, stopped eating and her expression had gone serious and even more worried. It took her some time to finish eating the bit of cookie lodged on her mouth, requiring even a sip of tea to help with the swallowing.

"Jenni, don't worry I have an idea." I said as I looked at the blood moon, that came randomly every few months. The strange event made the room seem mysterious and dangerous. Strange but alluring."We need to find Loise of Barbosa. She is the key." I finished, returning to glance at Jennifer, who by now had a questioning look plastered on her face.

"Who is this Loise of Barbosa, you talk so much about? I have never heard of her before. And how are you sure she would be of any help?" Jenni's eyes shined with curiosity as she moved her body forward, hoping it would make her ear me better.

I couldn't really tell her the truth. Back in the garden, it didn't help and only made me look crazy. So no to truth, and yes to insistence.

"I just know." Was the only answer I gave her and Jenni responded with a suspicious look back, having now returned to sit back on the white adorned chair.

But before she could interrogate me more about the issue, I was saved by the bell. Or in this case, by an overly excited Fanny, who entered the room bearing an opened letter in her hand.

"My Lady!" Yelled Fanny as she came inside my room, looking around for me in complete exhilaration, only to find me and Jenni glancing at her with arched eyebrows. We were asking ourselves if Fanny had found some new dresses or jewels stashed somewhere in the manor, that she would use in our future outings.  That was the only reason we could think of, to explain why she would be so excited at such a late hour. Then I remembered the letter in her hands and shivered.

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