Chapter 2

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Rose pov
Thave returned home from meeting my so called future husband. I entered my room and throw my body on the bed and cried my heart out. Oh my god i hate my life,my parents and everything. how can they told me to marry a stranger?
When I was young my parents told me not to talk to strangers but now they make me sleep beside a stranger. I know he is not bad but i don't even love or know him and tomorrow i have to breakup with chanyeol. oh god plz help me.

next morning-
I wake up and cruse myself for waking up on this stupid day.
I quickly get ready and wore this.

I went downstairs and quickly eat my breakfast and just head towards my college

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I went downstairs and quickly eat my breakfast and just head towards my college. when i reach  at gate I saw. jimin. I was so shocked to see him. He come towards me with a smile he said

Jimin: good morning rose.
Rose: good morning jimin.
Jimin: you haven't forgot about today's date.
Rose: yeah i don't forget about it.

We were just about to get into our class but i fell someone tapped on my shoulders i turned around and saw love of my life-chanyeol
Chanyeol: good morning babe.
He give me a peck
I just nodded while looking down.
Jimin was watching everythimg
Chanyeol: babe i will see you in the lunch okay.

He left after saying this.
Rose i will break up with him today. don't worry.
Jimin nodded while looking down.
Jimin: lets move to our class.
Rose: you're in my class.
He nodded while smiling.
He is so cute.

Time skip
Lunch break

We was heading towards cafeteria and i watch something that i even can't believe it. Chanyeol was kissing with seulgi. He didn't even notice me. I was so shocked but without thinking twice. I walk over to chanyeol and I slapped him across his face.

Seulgi: yah! How dare you to touch my boyfriend?

She raised her hand to slap me but I didn't feel any kind of pain. When I open my eyes I see jimin holding her hand.

Jimin: don't you dare to touch her with your
filthy hand you slut.
Seulgi: what did you say?
Rose: can't you hear? Slut! and you chanyeol I was trusting you but seems like you don't need my trust.

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