Chapter 6

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Rose's Pov
After jimin's confession. I returned back home in a very good mood. I entered my house and give a tight hug to my mother with a big smile.

Mom: what happened Rosie?

I show her my ring.she was speechless.
Dad: w_What? Jimin?
I nodded my head and they both pulled me into a tight hug and I whispered in their ears.
Rose: jimin loves me.
Mom: I knew it. he loves you. In the hospital I saw love for you in his eyes and fear for losing you.
I smiled ear to ear at her comment.
Dad: sweetie go and sleep otherwise you'll be yawning in the whole wedding and embarassed your husband.
Mom: yah! Stop teasing her.

I smiled at them and hug them again.
Rose:I will miss you.
Mom: ofcourse we will miss you too.go and sleep now.
Rose: one request please.
Dad: speak.
Rose: I want to sleep with you guys tonight. Please let me. Please. please.
Dad: okay.
Mom: lets go and sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for our Rosie.

Then I make my way to my parent's room.

Jimin's pov
I was smiling while entering my house.
Mom: did she agree?
I nodded.
Mom: congratulations jimine.
Dad: did you guys kiss.
I blushed.
Dad: so you guys have done it. I want to become grandfather soon.
I blushed really hard.
Mom: oh god! What are you asking honey. They are not even married yet.
Dad: but they will be married tomorrow.
Mom: look at your son how much he is blushing because of you.
Dad: no he is blushing because of the kiss.
Mom: you're so childish honey. Jimin go and sleep.
I nodded. I was laying on my bed thinking about my future wife.

I promise l will only love you. I will always try make you happy. I will never cheat on you. I will always protect you. I will always be in your side. I will always be there to comfort you. I promise chaeyoung. I will never let you go. You're mine. You're the one of the best things ever happened to me. I love you rose. I will always love you.

Rose's POV
I wake up. My mother and father were drinking tea.

Mom: good morning sweetie. go and take a bath.
Dad: enjoy your few hours before your wedding.

I realise today is my wedding. I started jumping on the bed
Rose: today is my wedding. My wedding. Yay!!
My parents started laughing at my actions.
Mom: rose go and take a bath. Your friends and stylists will be here soon.

I nodded my head and run towards my room to take a shower. I take a quick shower and wear my robe and get out of my bathroom and saw Someone unexpected.

Rose: jimin what are you doing here?
Jimin: can't I come to meet my future wife.
Rose: where do you come from?
Jimin pointed at window. Is he kidding me. It is so dangerous.
Rose: it is so dangerous.
Jimin: anything for you my love.
I chuckled.

Mom: rose! ls someone is in your room?

My eyes open wide.
Rose: no! No one is here.
Mom: gosh this girl will become crazy. She is chuckling alone.
I glared at jimin.
Rose: because of you.
He laughed at my comment and hug me. The hug was so good. It was nice and warm. I feel so safe in his arms. I will be so happy in his arms for my whole life.

Jimin: babe you look so good in bathrobe.

I started blushing. He is still hugging me.

Jimin: know you are blushing. I will be so lucky to see you like this everyday.
Rose: stop being a pervert park jimin.

He laughed at my comment.

Rose: go and get ready for wedding.
Jimin: not leaving without a kiss.

Oh god this man. I started decrease all the
distance between us. I touch his lips and started kissing him. He quickly respond to my kiss.the kiss was so good. Our lips connect to each otherlike a jigsaw puzzle. They are perfectly moving with each other. It was like our lips made for only each other. Oh god when he come closer my heart started beating so fast. I lost my breath. I started becoming nervous. When  both separate from each other and look at each
other's eyes.
Rose: I love you.
Jimin: I love you too.
Rose: now leave otherwise you will be late for the wedding.

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