Chapter 26

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Rose's pov

We have reached the airport. Jimin looked at me.

Jimin: They all are late today.

Rose: They will be on their way for coming here.

He nods. I look at the different direction and a familiar face caught my face. Jungkook. Jungkook look at me and flash a smile. He come running to us.

Jungkook: Hello hyung and rose.

Jimin: you are late.

Jungkook: we were buying snacks for you and by the way why everyone is clicking our photos?

Jimin: let me correct they are clicking our pictures not yours.

He said while pointing at 'us

Jungkook: hyung I am also a CEO and I am also famous like you guys.

Jimin: yes you are but they arent clicking your photos so side and let them click.

Rose: stop being so rude to your daesang jimin- ah.

Jungkook: thankyou rose

Jimin: I am offended my wife is also taking your side jungkook.

He pouts.

I chuckled.

Rose: jimin stop killing me with your cuteness.

Jimin: I am sad and you're chuckling.

I put my both hands on his cheeks.


I give him a kiss on his cheeks. He smiled.

Jimin: saranghe.

Eomma: Hello rose and jimin.

I turn my head to them with a smile. I bowed to them.

Rose: hello mom.

Mom: yah! Park chaeyoung don't forget me.

I look at my mom. I quickly attacked her with a hug.

Rose:I miss you so much mom.

I said while broking the hug. She put a hand on my baby bump.

Mom: how are they doing?

Rose: they are absolutely fine mom.

She nods her head with a smile.

Jimin: hello everyone.

Jin oppa: where you guys were yesterday?

Jimin rubbed back of his neck.

Jimin: park.

Appa: carrying rose like a bridal style.

He chuckled.
I looked down because of embarassment.

Jimin: her legs were hurting.

Dad: okay fine we will not make you both more embarassed.

Namjoon oppa: call us when you reached there safely.

Jimin: please take care of my lovely wife.

Mom: jimin don't worry you are giving her in the right hands.

Rose I am not a kid who needs care.

Mom: you are always a kid for me even if you have kids.

I smiled at her words.

"The flight for Busan is going to fly. Passenger please proceed to other side."

The times had arrived. He had to leave. I will not cry. I have to be strong. He was hugging everyone momo's turn come but to my surprise he steps back and hug me tightly. Her diginity was on the floor and she has a hurt expression on her face. I hugged jimin tightly.

Jimin: please take care of yourself.

He whispered.

Rose:I will.

I whispered like him.

We broke the hug and I pressed my lips on his. Our lips were moving in the perfect sync. I feel him smiling against my lips. I hope the time stopped and he don't have to leave. We pulled away. I connect my forehead on his. He caressed my baby-bump.

Rose: return with number one position.

I said with a smile.

Jimin: I will.

Rose:I love you.

Jimin: I love you too.

"This is the final remainder for the passengers to go to other side who are going to busan "

Jimin hugged me again.

Rose: give me a call when you reached there.

He nods his head and snuggle more.

Rose: you have to catch a flight jimin-ah go.

I said while broking the hug.

Jimin: please mom take care of her. If she doesn't eat please give me a call right away.

Rose: yah! Go.

He smiled and give me a peck on my lips and make his way to the other side where l can't enter. I stare at his back with a sad smile. Jimin turns around and wave at me with a bright smile. I waved him back. He turns around and starts moving again. I stare till his figure disappeared.

Time skip.

I stare at the big window infront of me my both hands were on the big window. Jimin's plane has just take-off just a few seconds ago. He is gone. Eomma put a hand on my shoulder. I look at her

Eomma: It is the first time he has left you alone.

I nodded my head. She chuckled.

Eomma: He is just like his dad. He was also worried about me when he have to left for a important meeting.

She smiled while telling me.

I nodded my head.

Hello guys!
l am trying my best to update fast, I will try to update two chapters in one day. I am so sorry for the small update. Please vote for this chapter and comment below. Bye and take care.

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