Chapter 34

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Rose's pov
I take my luggage and I take a step to move ahead but two voices called me.

Jungkook and jimin: Rose.

I groaned and look at them with a questionable face.

Jungkook: let me take that bag from you. pregnant women arent allowed to take weight.

I shake my head slowly at his words.

Jimin: I will take her bag.

I look at him and give him a glare.

Jungkook: hyung I said it first.

Jimin: shut up.

He finished his words and take the bag from my hands and start moving casually like nothing had happened. I look at him blankly the thought of thanking him left my soul. How can he act that? I shrugged the thought and starts moving. after some moments of walking I entered in the aeroplane. I sit beside jungkook. He looks at me with a smile.

Jungkook: so what's your plan?

Rose: sorry I am lazy I am gonna sleep.

Jungkook: meanie.

Rose: I am.

I said and crossed my hands on my chest.

I turn my head and saw jimin is sitting on the chair which is beside me in the next row. I don't know what this guy is upto. The plane started moving and I can feel the pain in my ear.

Jungkook looks at me with concern in his eyes.

Jungkook: are you fine rose?

I nervously chuckled.

Rose: sorry but my ears always bleed whenever I travelled from a aeroplane.

He shake his head at my words.

Jungkook: you should have tell me earlier.

I mouthered sorry and straightened my posture.

I feel a hand on my forearm. I look at my side and find jimin. I look at jimin with my cold eyes.

Jimin: are you alright?

l ignored him and start reading the book. In these days I started reading so many books.

They are the source which keep me busy and keep my mind stay away from jimin.

Jimin: ignoring me will not take you anywhere.

Rose so what do you want me to say after what have you done to me?

I muttered but loud enough for him to only hear. I feel something liquid on my neck. I touch my neck with my hand and saw blood because of jimin I forget about the pain in my ears.

Jungkook look at me.

Jungkook: I will go and get the first aid kit.

Jungkook leaves and jimin get up and lean
towards me and I back away.

Jimin:Is it paining a lot?

It is not paining that much but my heart it is paining so much. Please heal that. I want to say that to him so desperately but I don't want to show anyone that I am weak especially to him. I look at jungkook who is carrying the first aid kit. Jimin snatch the first aid kit from him and lean towards my ear and starts applying medicine on it. A memory flashed in my mind when he applied medicine on my ear when we were going to Paris. I closed my eyes and feels that memory more deeply. These are the litle but precious memories I have made with him. I never want to lose them even after l lose him.

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