Chapter 8

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Rose's pov
I was sleeping peacefully but then I feel a hand on my naked body. I turn myself and find jimin sleeping peacefully while cuddling with me. I check the time. It was 6:30 in the morning. I remove jimin's hand from my body and I tried my best not to wake him up. I quickly run to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth remembered yesterday incident how jimin is hovering above me. How his kisses made me insane. I shake my head to shake those thoughts out off my mind. I quickly take a bath and wrap a towel. I find jimin's white shirt. I weared it and I paired it with my blue pants. I quickly tie my hair in a ponytail and Wear my wrist watch. I place a soft kiss on his lips. I think for cooking french toast for jimin. I stepped into the kitchen and I was greet by jimin's mom.

Mrs. Park: good morning rose.
Rose:good morning eomma.
Mrs. Park: did jimin wake up?
shake my head as no.
Mrs. Park: okay so what are you thinking cooking for him?
Rose: french toast.
Mrs. Park: oh okay and we all leaving for seoul because my sister's health is not good.
Rose: oh sorry to hear about that.
Mrs. Park:I am in the garden. If You need anything call me okay and we will have our breakfast in seoul so don't cook for us.

I nodded.
After some minutes.

I am done cooking. I plated it. And I run to our room. I see him sleeping peacefully.

Rose: jimin wake up.
I tried to wake him up by shaking him up but this idiot doesn't wants to wake up. He is just taking turns.

Rose: yah! Wake up.
Jimin: 5 more minutes babe.
Rose: no just wake up right now.
Jimin: you're so stubborn.
Rose: I know just wake up.

He finally sit on the bed.and I stare at his bare chest.
Jimin: rose stop staring at me.
Rose: jimin I want to talk to chanyeol.
Jimin: okay but I want a valid reason. I dont want that dork to flirt with my wife.
Rose: he is leaving korea so I want to say goodbye to him.

He nodded and I dialled his number and put it on speaker. I wait for few seconds for him to pick up his phone.

Chanyeol: I knew it you will call me because you still love me

Rose: how many do I have to repeat I love jimin. Am I not that clear.

Chanyeol: why do you call rose.

Rose: goodbye and have a happy journey. hope you find your soulmate.

Chanyeol: chaeyoung please come to the airport to meet me maybe this is the last timel will see you.

Chanyeol: jimin hyung please let rose meet me at the airport.

Jimin: what? Hyung?

Chanyeol: yes hyung please.

Jimin: okay. What is the time for leaving?

Chanyeol: I am at Airport and I will be leaving

after 40 minutes.
Jimin: okay we will be there.
After the call ends. I Iooked at jimin and mouthered thank you. He pull me into a hug. hugged him back.

Jimin: did you like what we have done yesterday?
I nodded
Rose: you're still naked jimin. Dont you want to dress up and leave to the airport to meet chanyeol.
He chuckled.
Jimin: I forgot about it.
I started cleaning the room and jimin went to the bathroom to change his clothes. While cleaning the bed. I feel hands on my waist.
Rose: what do you want babe?
Jimin: you.

Before I could say anything he push me on the bed and hovered above me and kiss me on my lips. I kiss him back. Then he started giving me hickeys on my neck. I moaned. I had to fight what I am feeling now.

Rose: jimin stop please.

He ignored me.
Rose: park jimin we will be late plus we have to visit your friends. Please leave me. We will continue this at the night.
He ignored me again.
Rose: park jimin I will push you away. Just stop it. I said we can continue at night. Stop it. I have to go out. If you don't stop it I promise I will never let you touch me.

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