Chapter 29

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Rose's pov

It's been three days jimin and I have not exchange a single word. Everytime l look at his face I remember that he doesn't trust me anymore. I still remember my last conversation with momo. I feel like l should kill her.


I hear the door open. I put my book on my lap and look at the door. I saw jimin comes with momo. Jimin look at me with cold eyes and look back to momo with a smile. It aches my heart. Why he is behaving so cold towards me? What I have done to him? I push my thought out of my mind and continue reading my book. After some minutes I hear some laughs. I look at them. Jimin was showing something to Momo and they were laughing so hard. I see momo put her hand on jimin's thigh. Thighs? scream internally. I was so jealous seeing them like this. Control your jealousy rose. I mentally scold myself.

Time skip.

Jimin isnt in the room and I saw momo coming near to me. I was so scared even looking at her face. She can push me again. Rose don't show her that you are scared. be strong. My internal voice speak. I just stare at her.

Momo: so the bitch isn't scared from me anymore.

Rose: scared from you tsk.

Momo: did your so-called jimin trust you after you told him everything.

I didn't speak a word.

Momo: I knew it. He is still in love with me. After all l am his first love.

Rose: and dont you have hear first love always happens with a wrong person.

Momo: I think I have to push you again.

Rose: push me again? Forget about that. Look your jimin is coming.

It pains a lot when I speak the last words.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw jimin clearing his throat.

Jimin: we have to go home rose.

Time skip.

We have reached home. After so many days I am here. The house was cleaned mavbe jimin has cleaned it. I see jimin already start moving to our shared room. I sigh and follow him. He staright enter the bathroom. I take my clothes from my wardrobe. Jimin step outside from the washroom. I enter the washroom. Jimin's shirt was near the basin. I take the shirt in my hand. I miss his smell. I started smelling his shirt. There was a peachy smell. This smell isn't mine. I shake my head to shrugged all the thoughts I have. I change my clothes and step outside. I lay beside him. It was never so uncomfortable between us. I face the other side and he face the other side. There was so much tension between us. After some minutes I hear soft snores. I looked at jimin. He is sleeping peacefully. I get up from the bed and make my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I put the glass on the countertop but accidentally the glass fall on the floor. I bent down to take the broken glass pieces but by mistake I cut my hand. I don't why but I burst into crying. Maybe because of my hormones or the pain in my heart. I get up and wash my wound. I wipe my tears and make my way to the bedroom. I saw jimin sleeping so peacefully. I went to him and sit beside him and softly caressed his cheeks tears poured on my cheeks.

Rose: do you really think I am that low that I will act to fall and break your friendship with momo?

I whispered.

Rose: do you really think I will hurt my baby because of her? I hate you. How can you trust her? Am I not trustworthy? Why cant you trust me? You know her from years that's why you trust her but don't you care about my feelings? Why are you behaving so cold towards me? It is tearing me apart. Why momo has to appear in our life? Everything was going good. I only asked for Your love and trust but why I am hurting jimin? Why? I didn't do anything bad to anybody then why I am hurting? 

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