Chapter 24

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Rose's pov

I move my feet to the front door. I open the door. There was envelope. I take the envelope and open it. My eyes open wide looking at the pictures inside the envelope. I open the door again and take a look that someone is here or not. There was no one. I closed the door and lean my back against the door. I again take a look at the pictures. These are the pictures of momo and jimin making out and doing'it. I closed my eyes in frustration. I have to trust jimin. These photos are fake. They are edited.I make my way to the kitchen and hide these pictures in the kitchen cabinets. I wipe my tears and go upstairs. I enter the room and saw jimin watching TV. I lay down beside him.

Jimin: who was at the door?

Rose: no one.

Jimin: then why did you take so much time?

Rose nothing I was just walking in the lawn.

He nodded his head.

Rose: are you not sleeping?

Jimin: let me see this match only.

Rose: you have office tomorrow. You can see it later.

I snatch remote from his hand and close the tv.

Jimin: that was unfair.

Rose:I will kick you out of this room if you didn't lay down now.

Jimin quickly lay down.

Jimin: can I have just have long passionate kiss?

Rose: stop asking and kiss me.

He smiled and connect his lips with mine. I kissed him back. In the middle of the kiss jimin's phone ring. I whispered to him 'don't pick it up' still kissing him but he breaks the

Jimin: sorry. It can be important.

I frowned. Jimin take his phone and look at the caller-ld momo. Momo is calling jimin at this hour. Doesnt she know that jimin is married. I hate her so much. I looked at my side. Jimin.

He went to balcony for talking with momo. I can hear giggles from jimin. He never giggles when I am talking to him. I put a hand on my belly.

They moved again. Oh my gosh it's the second time they have moved. I quickly sit and starts smiling brightly. When will they start kicking me?I am waiting when will they turn four months in my belly.

Time skip.
lts almost twenty minutes jimin and momo are talking on the phone.

Rose: park jimin are you sleeping or not?

Jimin: just five more minutes rose.

He continued talking to her.

He isn't going to listen to me. I give up and lay down on the bed. I closed my eyes and drift into the dreamland.

Time skip.

I was sleeping peacefully until jimin kisses on my shoulders.

Jimin: wake up rose.

I showed him my back.

Rose: go and talk to momo and let me sleep.

Jimin: but you are my wife. I want to talk to you now.

Rose: marry her then and let me sleep.

Jimin:Don't be so mean and wake up.

Rose: did you listen to me in the night when was calling you again and again.

Jimin: stop being a jealous wife in the morning and get up

I finally wake up and sit on the bed. I gave a glare to jimin.

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