Chapter 5

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Rose's POV
I was laying on my bed. Thinking about questions I started thinking at the hospital. Jimin is cooking downstairs. Mom and dad went outside. Oh god I will become crazy
thinking about those questions. Jebal please give me answers.

Jimin: rose have your lunch.

I started eating. I was feeling a stare on me from corner of my eye I see jimin staring at me with a smile.

Rose: which part of my face is pretty?
Jimin: every part.

I can't believe his words. Oh god now I am started hearing things.
Rose: huh?
Jimin: your phone is ringing.
I see the call and my eyes darkened.
Jimin: whats with this expression?

He come closer and have a look on my phone.
Jimin: pick it up.
Rose: are you crazy jimin? I can't.
Jimin: obey me.
I obeyed him and pick his call.
Rose: what?
Chanyeol: please let me explain things.
Rose: explain what? You broke my trust.
Chanyeol: please rose cancel this wedding and come back to me please.
Jimin: shut up and stop it. Who the hell you are talking about my mariage.
Chanyeol: please. I love her. I know she love me. Please cancel this wedding
Jimin: shut up. If you love her than why you cheat on her also how can you even see her crying like that. she was just going to get hit by that bitch and you just stood there doing
Chanyeol: rose I want to clarify things with you. You can bring your future husband with you and please meet me at the place where we went for our first date.
Rose: okay I will be there.

I looked at jimin and he has a pissed expression on his face. Is he jealous. Rose shut up. why will he be jealous?

Jimin: why did you agree?
Rose: because I am taking you mister soon to be husband.
He nodded
Jimin: go get ready.we will be leaving.
I quickly take a bath and wear this

I go downstairs and see jimin playing with his phone

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I go downstairs and see jimin playing with his phone.
Rose: can we go.
He checked me from head to toe.
Rose: what?
Jimin: you look beautiful.
I blushed.
Rose: thanks

Time skip
At restaurant

I reached at the place. Old memories started playing in my head. I lost my first kiss here. He proposed me here.

Chanyeol :  I know you will come.
Jimin: why did you think so?
Chanyeol: because she love me.

Jimin has a pissed expression on his face again.He come near to me and I hold jimin's hand. Rose stop it dont touch me or come near me.
He nodded while having a sad expression plastered on his face.
Chanyeol: can you both sit.
We both take a sit amd jimin hold my hand tightly to make me comfortable.

Chanyeol: rose I love you please come back to me.
Rose: come to the point. I dont come here to listen your fake confessions

Jimin's poV
Chanyeol: seulgi pressed her lips on my lips when she see you.

I lost her.My love.l lower my head. Please jimin don't you dare to cry now.

Chanyeol : I dont save you rose from that slap because I was so shock to see you and scared to lose you.please come back babe.

Rose: no! Don't call me babe.

By hearing her Words. I looked at her. I was so shocked. She reject him.

Rose: (while crying) you hurt me so much no I can't.
Chanyeol : ( while crying)  I promise I will not hurt you. Please don't leave me.
Rose:I dont love you anymore. My feelings for you already faded away. I am so sorry I have find my perfect man. He is better than you.
Chanyeol: please don't say this.
Rose: I am so sorry. I am getting married day after tomorrow. I don't want to come back to you.

Chanyeol: I will talk to your parents. We will together fight for our love.
Rose: why cant you understand I don't love you. I don't want to spend my life with you. I am so sorry. I want you to attend my marriage that's all. I want you to do.please lets be friends.lets go jimin.

I was so shock hearing her words.She thinks me as her best man. After some seconds I come back to my senses maybe she has done to save reputation of her parents. She hold my hand and take me outside of that restaurant. I hug her so tightly. She hugged me back.

Jimin: I know you love him. You have done this to save your parents' reputation. I know. I will make both you together
Rose: no need. I don't love him. I want to spend my life with you.

Rose's POV
The magical three words was just going to slip of  from my mouth. He is such a kind boy he wants to know my feelings and make me together with my true love. I am so happy that I will going to marry this boy.
He nodded with a smile.
Rose: can we go soon to be husband.
He nodded.

Next day.
Jimin has already left and tomorrow is my has already purchased my wedding and reception dress.

Later at night.
I was getting ready for my bed. I get a phone from jimin. What happened to him now?
Jimin: I want you to meet at your nearest park.
He hang up. That was weird. I shrugged and and change my clothes to meet him.

At park.
I meet him outside.
Jimin: hi beautiful
I blushed.
Jimin: oh someone is blushing.
Rose: Why do you call me?
Jimin: wear this blindfold.
Rose: why?
Jimin: wear it.
I shake my head as a no and he forcefully make me wear it.
He take me somewhere.
Jimin: remove it.
I remove it. I was shocked to see my
surroundings. It was like this a
looked at jimin. He has kneeled down.

Jimin: I love you. park chaeyoung will you marry me.
I cant believe my ears and eyes. He take out couple rings. Rings were so beautiful.

Jimin: I promise I will love you more than myself. I first didn't believe in love at first sight but after meeting you i believe it. You was about to sacrifice your life for a idiot like me. I love you. am not afraid to get reject. If you don't love me l will wait for your love.

I listened to his words carefully. Oh god I can't believe his words without even notice I started crying. I nodded many times while crying.

Rose: yes I will marry you jimin.
He slide his ring on my finger and I did the same.
Jimin: I love you.
Rose: I love you too jimin- ah.
He come closer and press his lips on mine. His lips were so soft. I slowly kissed him back. My and his lips were perfectly moving. Its like our lips were made for each other.

Hello everyone I'm back. I know I am early. Tell me about today's chapter Dont worry the story isn't simple what's its look like. Thanks you so much reading my story. I love you all. I promise I will work hard. Show you all my efforts in my every chapter. please vote for my story and follow me.

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