Chapter 28

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Jimin's pov

I enter the hospital where rose was. I went to the reception and asked Rose's room number.

After getting the room number I make my way to them. Without knowing a tear left my eye. I am sick worried about my wife and my child.

I quickly wipe the tear and start walking more fast to reach there. I saw my family and my friends there. Mom look at me and hug me tightly.

Jimin: Mom why are you crying? She will be fine.

I whispered to her.

Mom: I am so worried about her.

I rubbed her back. The door open and I saw the doctor. I broke the hug and make my way to the doctor. Please save she didn't miscarriaded.

Jimin: Doctor my wife?

My voice was shaky. I was at the verge of crying.

Doctor: don't worry she didn't miscarriaged.

I closed my eyes and a sigh leaves my mouth.

Doctor: please take care of her. In twin's pregnancy there are more chances of miscarriage. Please don't let her stress.

I nodded my head and make my way inside the room. I entered the room. I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed. I place a kiss on her forehead. I sit beside her and hold her hand and kiss back of her hand.

Time Skip.

Rose's pov

l open my eyes. I look beside me. I find jimin holding my hand with both of his hand. His eyes were closed.

Rose: Jimin.

I whispered.

He open his eyes and look at me. He quickly press his lips with mine. The kiss was gentle.

After moments we separated. Jimin help me to sit. I don't know how to ask him.

Rose: jimin.

He look at me and hugged me tightly.

Jimin: No you didn't miscarriage.

I closed my eyes and I started sobbing silently.

Jimin: everything is fine rose. Don't cry.

Rose: no nothing is fine. She will push me again.

Jimin: who will push you again rose.

Rose: Momo.

Jimin: what? Of course not I have known her from years. She can't do this. You are lying.

I break the hug and wipe my tears.

Rose: so you aren't trusting me?

Jimin: your jealousy is speaking.

He speaks coldly.

Rose: my jealousy? I was at the edge of losing my child and you are saying my jealousy is speaking.

Jimin: do you know she is crying very badly outside for you.

Rose: for me? Of course not she is just faking tears. You can see her tears but not mine jimin.

Jimin: Rose stop! You can't blame a innocent. you fall because of your own fault.

Rose: my fault? Did you love her more than your child and me?

Jimin: I dont know.

Rose: leave. Leave this room.

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