Chapter 4

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Rose's pov
When i open his phone he have a photo of a very cute boy as his wallpaper.

Rose's povWhen i open his phone he have a photo of a very cute boy as his wallpaper

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He looks so adorable. After checking his wallpaper. I check how many games he have. He is only one game candy crush saga and he is only level 53.
He come to my room. He look so angry. Did I have done something wrong.

Jimin: shut up. You're using the word wife wrong. You check my phone. Are you kidding me. I have never check your phone but see yourself.

Rose: shut up. I didn't have done a crime. I only see your wallpaper and your games. I know the meaning of privacy and you didn't even give a single second to explain me and just started yelling.

I say while tears rolling over my cheeks. I didn't.even know such a caring boy yell at me like this for no reason. He can even talk calmly to me.

Jimin: rose I am sorry.

He pulled me in a hug but I pushed him away with all strength I have.

Rose: I think you're different but no you're the same who just used me.
After saying this. I walk to terrace.

Jimin 's pov
What have you done jimin? You make her cry. I am a fool. I have to find her maybe she is on garden or terrace. I reach terrace after checkingngarden and my heart broke into many pieces seeing her crying like this. I have to ask for her forgiveness orgiveness. Its all my fault.

Jimin: I am so sorry rose I should not yell at you for no reason.
Rose: I am so sorry I should never touch your phone also I have yell at you too. Its my fault.
I quickly pull her into a hug and place a soft kiss on her forehead.she looks shocked.

Jimin: its not your fault.
Rose: please stay here for tonight. Mom and dad went to attend a party. They'll not come today plus I will feel so lonely. please jimin.
Jimin: okay but you will have to go for a walk with me.
She nodded.

After some time
She was serving food and I can clearly see how nervous she is. So cute. I take first bite of the food.
Jimin: so tasty. I didn't know my future wife can cook tasty food.
She blushed at my words.
Jimin: oh someone is blushing.
She playfully hit my arm.
Jimin: ouch!

Rose mr. Future husband I didnt hit you that hard.
I pouted. She started laughing.
Jimin: lets go for a walk.
She nodded.
We were walking in silence but this silence isnt awkward it was comfortable.
Rose's poy
I was walking but I stopped because jimin was watching something. I follow his gaze and see a boy playing on the road and the car was just
going to hit him. Jimin quickly run to save him. I run to save jimin.jimin pulled the boy into his arms and I pushed him and I got hit by the car.

Jimin's pov

I was going to hit by the car but someone pushed me. I looked back and see rose lying on the road. Her body covered with blood. I put the
boy on the road.

Rose: jimin please don't cry. Dont worry about me.Are you fine?

I take her into my arms and run towards the hospital.
Jimin: rose why have you done this?
Rose: maybe this is my last day. I hope you meet momo and you both live happily and love.eachother.
Jimin: no l want to live with you. You cant leave me. Please dont close your eyes.
She closed her eyes. She lost her concious.
Jimin: ROSE!

At hospital

nurse: sir lay her down on the bed. Please sir sit outside.
Jimin: please save her.
Nurse: we will try our best.

I was sitting outside crying my heart out. If anything happens to her I will end my life. its my fault. Before getting unconscious she was thinking about me. I cant see my face tomorrow if anything bad happens. I should quickly call dial mom's number.

Mom: jimin? Are you crying?
Mom: what happened?
Jimin: rose.. hospital.. blood... accident..
Mom: which hospital?
Mom: speak jimin-ah.
Jimin: near xxx ..
Mom: i coming there.

After some time
mom has arrived and she tried to make me feel better.
Mom: jimin nothing will happen to her. She is a Strong girl. She know you're waiting for her. She
has to spend her whole life with you. She will be okay.

I nodded weakly.
Doctor: patient's family?
Jimin: I am her fiance.
Doctor: she is okay. She is now out of danger.She can go home day after tomorrow. By the way who is jimin she is kept calling his name when she is unconscious.

Jimin: i am jimin.
Doctor: you can go inside. She is sleeping. She needs rest.

I went to her room. She is sleeping peacefully. I sit beside her and hold her hand. started crying again. Thank god she is fine.Otherwise Iwill kill myself.

Next day
Roses pov
I was sleeping peacefully but I feel a hand on my hand. I open my eyes. I remember yesterday event. Oh god that was so painful. my legs pain
so bad. that idiot driver he can hit anywhere but he hit my beautiful legs. I look at jimin who is sleeping very peacefully. I touch his hair
because of my touch he wake up.

Jimin: oh you're awake. Yesterday you scare hell out of me.
Rose:I am so sorry.
Jimin: why did you do that?
Rose: what?
Jimin: dont act dumb. Why did you push me.
Rose: because you're the most important person in my life so saving you was my first priority. I can't see you pain.
Jimin: do you know I cried so much yesterday. If momo was in the place of you she will not save me.
Rose: lier.
Jimin: believe me.
Rose: okay. I am feeling hungry.
Jimin: I will get food. Thanks for yesterday.
Rose: by saying thank're ruining my efforts idiot.
He let out a light chuckle.

After some time
He was feeding me right now.
Jimin: do you know our wedding is after 4 days. Rose I can't forget the most important day.
He nodded.
Rose:I don't want to live here. Please take me out.
Jimin: okay future wife.

I blushed at his words. Good thing he didn't see me blushing. He went out to meet doctor for discharging me from this place. I want to know that he cares about me? Did I am a important person in his life? Can he ever
love me? Can I take momo's place in his heart? Seeing his actions confused me.

Hi everyone! Thanks for loving my force marriage. Sorry for my wrong grammer.Please vote for this episode
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