Chapter 20

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Rose pov

Jimin: Why I should be calm down? I need my answers.

Rose: you can have your answers but yelling is not a correct way jimin.

Jimin: Why she have to leave me? I am now happy I have moved on. I love someone. Why She has to appear again? She makes me remember the pain I have felt before.

He yells.

Rose: jimin please stop yelling.

Jimin: Rose do you trust me?

His voice become soft.

Rose: of course I do.

Jimin:I only love you.

Rose: I know stop repeating yourselí.

He hugged me tightly.

Jimin: she said she loves me but trust me don't love her.

He whispered.

Rose: We can talk about this later okay. Dont worry.

He broke the hug.

Jimin: I want my answers momo.

He speaks.

Momo: Jimin.

Jimin: for god's sake stop saying my name and answer. I am trying to control my temper and you are not helping.

Momo: I have cheated on you jimin. I have left to Singapore with other man but guess what he cheated on me and I get to know that how much precious you are for me.

Jimin: Guess what? It doesn't hurt me anymore. I hate you. I was depressed for two years. Did you know was alive but from inside I was dead. I was insecure about myself,my looks.

She started crying.

Momo: I have been in Korea from past three months hoping that you will wait for me but karma sucks you already found someone perfect for you. I don't want to show you my
face because I know these things will happen. I am so sorry jimin. I am sorry. I didn't know you are going to be here otherwise If I know that you will be here I will never show you my face.

Rose: Jimin please forgive her. She is crying.

I whispered.

Jimin: I cant.

He whispered back.

Jimin: I am leaving guys. See you guys next time.

He said with a smile.

Jimin:I am sleepy.

He said while yawning.
I chuckled.
Rose:I am also sleepy.
I said while climbing the stairs.
Jimin follows me behind. I open the door and make my way to the the bathroom. I changed into my night dress. I step outside to see jimin on his phone. I clear my throat to grab his attention. He looks at me. I point my index finger at the bathroom. He makes his way to the bathroom quietly. I layed on the bed and pretend to sleep. After some minutes I felt the bed sink. Jimin has come.He chuckled.

Jimin: she really asleep fast.

He put a hand on my belly and start caressing it. He pull me closer to his body. He buried his face in my shoulder.

Time skip.

Jimin: So you are sure you are not going to office?

I nodded.

Rose:I am so tired today.

He place a soft kiss on my forehead.

Jimin: rest well. I will be early today.

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