Chapter 25

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Rose's pov

I wake up due to my phone ringing. I look at my side. I find jimin sleeping like a baby. I take my phone from the nightstand. I look at the caller- ld chanyeol. I pick up the call. I didn't want to wake jimin that's why I left to kitchen.

Chanyeol: hello rose. how are you doing?

Rose: hello chanyeol. I am fine tell me about yourself.

Chanyeol: l am missing you.

I chuckled.

Rose: you call me early in the morning telling me you are missing me. So funny Chan.

Chanyeol: so what's wrong about that?Can't call my friend?

Rose: ok ok fine.

Jimin: whom are you talking to rose?

I  looked behind me and found jimin. I mouthered chanyeol.

Chanyeol: how is jimin doing?

Rose: he is absolutely fine.

Jimin turns me around and press his lips on mine.

Chanyeol: that's good to hear. I am coming back to Korea in two weeks.

I didn't answer because jimin is kissing me deeply.

Chanyeol: answer me rose.

Chanyeol: hello. can you hear me rose?

Jimin takes phone from my hand and cut the call and throw my phone on the couch. He put his hand on my back and he starts deepen the kiss. After some minutes Jimin broke the kiss.

Jimin: Wah! You are talking to chanyeol early in the morning and you are also calling him Chan.

Rose: so what's wrong about that and Why did you kiss me so suddenly?

Jimin: I can't bear you to see with another man.

He said and attack me with another kiss. I circled my arms around his neck.

Time skip.

After the hot make-out session. I went to bathroom and take a quick bath. I step outside and make my way to the kitchen. I saw jimin cooking in kitchen. I back-hugged him. He smiled.

Rose: You are leaving tomorrow?

He nods and my gripped tightened.

Rose:I will miss you.

Jimin: I will miss you too.

Rose:I promise I will take care of twins.

Jimin: good and take care of yourself too.

Rose:I will.

Jimin: the food is ready go and sit down.

I nodded.

Time skip.

While eating I heard the door bell rings. I looked at jimin.

Rose: did you invite someone?

Jimin: No, whom I will invite early in the morning?

The door bell rings again.

Jimin:I am going to open the door. You sit here and continue your breakfast.

I nodded and he went to open the door. Two minutes have gone where he is? I put my spoon on the table and make my way to the front door.

To my surprise I saw jimin talking with momo. I cleared my throat to grab their attention. Jimin look at me and flash a small smile.

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