Chapter 14: Goodbye

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A weird noise tore me out of my dream. It was my alarm, that I had set yesterday. I turned around in my warm, cozy bed and turned it off while letting out a groan.

It was way too early in the morning and I was still tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night since I just kept thinking about Alex the whole time.

After laying in my bed for a long time, I finally decided to start getting ready. I wasn't in the mood for this day and definitely not for the long and scary flight.

I also knew that things would be weird between me and Alex again.

I changed into the clothes that I had layed out for today. It was just a pair of some black joggers and a cozy, grey sweater. Then I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair into a low bun. I wasn't looking good, but I didn't really care about that, since we were going to travel and it was more important to stay cozy anyways.

When I was done, I went out of the bathroom and grabbed my suitcase. It was time to leave. I had to admit that I was actually pretty sad we were leaving. Of course I was excited to see my family and friends again, but I was also going to miss all of this.

I was thinking about the nights I had spent with Alex in this room. Room 505... 

This definitely had been a crazy experience.

I slowly opened the door and stepped outside, carrying my two bags and my suitcase. Damn it why did I take so much stuff with me, I didn't even wear the most clothes.

I had a weird feeling inside me when I closed the door. I stopped and stared at the numbers of the door for a little while. I sighed. I was definitely going to miss, spending time in here.

"Good morning. Sad we're leaving, huh?" I turned. It was Matt. 

I gave him a sad smile while I was nodding my head. Then I watched Alex step out of his room. He was wearing a black T-Shirt as usual and some pair of baggy jeans. He was also wearing his sunglasses and his hair was a little messy, but he was looking good. Like always.

I was waiting for our eyes to meet but it didn't happen..

"Alright, Cody and Nick are already waiting in the Lobby let's get down" Matt said as he grabbed one of my bags. I thanked him as I was walking behind him and Alex.

I remembered the day we arrived here. Everything was just so exciting and new. I really couldn't believe the time went over so fast. I wished we could stay a little longer.

When we arrived in the Lobby, Nick and Cody were waiting for us. They both looked tired and also seemed like they barely got any sleep.

I hugged both Nick and Cody before giving my room keys to the guy who was working here.

"The time went over so fast, right?" I heard Cody say.

I was slowly nodding my head as I stared at the floor. I felt my brothers hand on my shoulder. I looked up to him and I saw that he was giving me a comforting smile.

When everyone gave their keys away, it was time to leave. 

It was around 4 in the morning, so it was still dark outside. We stepped outside and the air was warm and cozy.

We all walked over to our rented car. Cody took all of my stuff and put it into the car while I went inside. I was sitting in the last row, as usual.

I put in my AirPods and started playing some music. I was so tired but I decided to not sleep till we were in the airplane, so I could sleep the first few hours to calm my anxiety.

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