Chapter 17

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"You drive the speed limit, never leave each other when you stop, call and check in preferably every hour but at least every two hours, and be careful." My dad finished his lecture with a sigh and then hugged both me and Carter.

My dad allowed Carter and I to drive Weston down to Kentucky. We would drive down and take a short break and then drive back unless it got too late and then we could either stay with Weston or find a hotel. I was honestly surprised our parents agreed to it but my dad had said that we would have to grow up sometime. Plus Noah and Layla was going down to Florida for two weeks to stay with our grandparents. I'm guessing our parents just wanted a kid free house for a night.

"We will dad, don't worry." Carter assured him. Dad nodded and came to give us one last hug before he stepped back. Mom gave us a hug and kiss and told us to be careful as well. Once all the love yous and hugs were out of the way, we climbed into Carter's truck and headed towards the interstate that would take us to Kentucky.

Carter was driving while Weston and I sat in the back seat. I made Weston sit in the back so that I could use him as a pillow. It was barely daylight when they woke me up and that's just too early for me, even after I got a great night of dreamless sleep. That's right, Wes fell asleep in my bed with me and my parents let us sleep through the night like that. I had the best night of sleep since before the incident.

I rested my head on Westons thigh and used it as my pillow while I propped my legs up in the seat. Wes rested his arm over my middle to hold on to me. I fell asleep quickly with the warmth of Westons arm over me. It made me feel safe.

I woke up a few hours later to Weston kissing me on the lips. If that isn't the best way to wake up, I don't know what it is. I immediately smiled a lazy smile up at him and he smiled back. He bent down to give me another peck on the lips before he talked. "We are about 30 minutes from my house. I thought you might want to see a little bit of scenery since you've slept the whole way here." He tells me and I thank him.

I sit up in the seat but instead of sitting on the passenger side, I slide up against Weston and sit beside him. He smiles down at me and wraps his arm around me as we both watch the scenery roll by.

The town we drove through was a cute little town but you could tell it was old. There was a bunch of different streets we had to turn off on until we finally got on the road that would take us strait to Westons house.

It was a curvy back road that was a dead end. Apparently Westons house was the second house to the end. "Now I'm warning you, my house isn't nothing special. It's just an old trailer." He whispers to me.

"Wes, I don't care what your house looks like. That doesn't mean a thing. I like you for you not for what you have or don't have." I tell him as I grab his hand. He locks his fingers with mine and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"It's really gross watching you two." Carter groans from the front seat.

"Oh you love me CayCay." I tease him.

"I do love you lil sis, but I don't love watching you suck faces with someone." He states and I roll my eyes.

"Turn here." Wes speaks up. Carter turns into a paved driveway that leads up to a garage and house. The trailer doesn't look to bad. It's a bigger trailer and it's been kept up with good. Painted a darker olive green color with white shutters and railings. The garage was also the same color and it was attached to the end of the trailer. "Well, welcome to my house."

Wes gets out and I follow him. Carter gets out and stretches before following us up to the house. We walked past Westons truck and I could see the slit tires and even some blood that had dried onto the concrete near his truck. I grimace at the thought of him laying there for hours but quickly change my thoughts as Weston opens the door.

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