Chapter 29

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I was helping put a wrap on a car when I felt some cramps in my belly. It wasn't the first time I had felt these cramps but I googled it and it said they were normal with pregnancy. My body was stretching to create room for the two babies inside me. The cramps was enough to make me sit down and rest for a bit.

I had been helping out in the shop as much as I could. I didn't do any heavy lifting, just printing off wraps and applying some. I was also helping with paperwork for my mom. I was just now 24 weeks but I felt huge. I couldn't even reach my toes anymore.

I had an appointment scheduled next week to find out the babies genders. It was supposed to happen at the last ultrasound but both babies were being stubborn and wouldn't let them see anything.

Once I had rested a bit, I went to finish the wrap but I ended up doubling over from the pain that went through me. "Sis what's wrong?" Carter came running over to me.

"I'm just cramping some. My body is making room for the babies." I tell him and groan when another pain goes through me.

"I should take you home. You need to lay down and rest for a bit. You have probably over worked yourself too." He tells me and I want to argue but I just nod. I know he wouldn't budge with this. He walked us to the front where my dad and his brother was. "I'm taking Blake home. She's having some pains." He tells my dad which causes him to look at me with worry on his face.

"Are you okay? Is it something to where we need to take you to the doctors?" He asks but I shake my head.

"I googled stuff and it said that pains were normal for me at this stage in pregnancy since my body is growing to fit the twins." I tell him and he gives me a nod.

"Okay, well if they get worse I want someone to take you to the doctors." He tells me and I just nod. He gives me a kiss on the top of my head before letting us leave.

Getting up into Carters truck was difficult now that I'm pregnant but I finally managed it. I was still having pains as we drove back to the house but it wasn't unbearable.

Carter helped me out and we went into the house. The babies had been pushing on my bladder so I walked to the bathroom before I made lunch. As soon as I sat down, I knew something was wrong. I had blood all over me down there. I quickly flushed and stood up, pulling my pants up with me. I washed my hands and screamed for Carter.

"What is it Blake?" He said from the other side of the door. I had already started crying thinking about what could be happening right now.

I swing open the door and Carter sees my face. "I'm bleeding." I cry out. He doesn't say anything but he picks me up in his arms and rushes out the door. He set me up into his truck and ran to his side. He had the truck in drive and was backing out of the driveway by the time I could get my seatbelt on.

"Do you want to call Wes? He could meet us there." Carter asks and I nod. I grab my phone and press his number.

"Blake, hey." He greets as he picks up. He's in a good mood and seems happy. I don't want to ruin it but I need him.

"Wes." It comes out with a cry. I try to get the tears to stop so that I can get a sentence out but there's no stopping them.

"Put him on speaker." Carter tells me so I do. "Hey Wes, I'm driving Blake to the hospital right now. She's been cramping and she just found out that she was bleeding. We will be at west highland, Blake probably wants you there."

"I'm going to my truck now. I'll meet y'all there." Wes says and hangs up. I could hear his truck start before he hung up so I knew he'd be there.

Carter flew to the hospital and had me there in 10 minutes. Weston was already there and as soon as he seen us, he rushed to my door and opened it. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned out to where Weston was waiting to help me down. Instead of letting me touch the ground, Weston picked me up and pulled me from the truck before taking me inside. Carter was right behind him.

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