You have to think it through, more than you usually would. Did you really had a bad day? Or did you have 10-20 minutes where you let your toughts run wild through your head which led you to a bad vibe? You run this. Pay attention.
You gotta stop thinking so negatively. A bad moment does not necessarily mean a bad day. And a bad day does not mean a bad life.
When something bad happens don't start saying that the whole life is bad. Look on the bright side, you had so many happy moments in your life, why you have to think about only the bad ones.And sometimes that so called "bad" moments are not so bad after all. We just think too much, it's all in our head. A small situation...everyone will forget about it but you. YOU will think about it forever and YOU think it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Sounds unpleasant, doesn't it? But you are already past that, it happened. It won't happen again. You have to understand that punishing yourself won't solve the problem.
And that sometimes that "big" situation you're in is not so big after all. We just tend to make a big deal out of every problem and think only about what others will have to say about it. Your life isn't yours if you care about what others will think."Growth is painful. Change is painful.
but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong."
SpiritualSometimes our mind lives in a cage, fighting to be kept in the light. But it's hard to fight alone. Personally, writing helped me realise what's going on in my life. Maybe my writing will inspire you to write your story. Recovery is worth it, slowly...