11. Look Down!

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My heart hammered in my chest as I stared into my mirror. The cool light of the early morning cast a slightly brighter glow into the dark room and caused my pale cheeks to appear even paler. I had been up most of the night, unable to sleep until I had finally given up hope and gotten dressed. Silently, I got to my feet and resumed my course from the previous night walking back and forth near the end of the bed in which Apollo still lay fast asleep. His soft breathing was the only sound in the room as the brightness streamed in more and more. The growing light caused my fear to build, throwing into striking imagery the feeling.

Biting my lip nervously, I glanced over at Enjolras. how he could sleep was beyond me. Not only was Javert after him, but we were about to do the most dangerous and reckless thing we could do. I hadn't lied that day when I said I was willing to die for this revolution, but I have often found that I feel very nervous before the fact yet will still carry through at the moment itself. Irritating, but true. At least the bravery comes when it is most necessary and not only to save me from some butterflies.

At long last, the sun finally rose high enough for the brightness to cause Apollo to stir. "Blaise?" he said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Staring out the window, I said hollowly, "The sky is clear. I don't think it will rain."


"We should get going," I interrupted quickly, turning towards the door in such a way he didn't catch sight of my numbed-out expression and thinly-veiled, fear-filled eyes.

"Blaise," he called, rushing after me and catching my wrist. Gently, he turned me to face him, but I stared stubbornly at a point close to the floor. His gentle touch brought me some comfort as he took hold of both of my hands, but I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. Cupping my cold cheek, he asked, "Blaise, what's wrong?" I looked away from him, swallowing painfully in my attempt to stop my trembling hands.

"Promise me that no matter what happens you'll be safe, okay?" I whispered, still refusing to look at him.

"I promise you, love," he said, tilting up my chin and forcing my eyes to meet his, "that I will do everything I can to keep us both safe."

"Okay," I said quietly. "Then we should probably go."

Gently, Apollo kissed my forehead and soon we were out on the streets heading for the home of General Lamarque.

My heart lightened as numerous cries of "Vive la France!" rang up around the square and I allowed a small smile to grace my face as I took Apollo's hand and he helped me up onto the platform he was currently sharing with Marius.

"Look down and show some mercy if you can!" the desperate voices of the unfortunate cried. "Look down upon you fellow man!" Murmurs from the crowd broke out of which I only caught snippets.

"When's it gonna end?"

"When we gonna live?"

"Something's gotta happen now."

"Something's gotta give!"

"It'll come, it'll come."

Speaking over the crowd, Enjolras called, "Where are the leaders of the land? Where is the king who runs this show?"

"Only one man, General Lamarque, speaks for the people here below," Marius added.

Courfeyrac approached, whispering to Apollo and me, "Lamarque doesn't have long."

Once I had heard all he had to say, I turned to the crowd and said, "Lamarque is ill and fading fast. Won't last the weeks out so they say."

"With all the anger in the land, how long before the judgment day?" Marius added.

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