7. Stay, I Pray You

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I woke the next morning to find myself about a foot from Apollo on our bed. My cheeks flushed as I remembered what had happened last night. Apollo's eyes fluttered open and he let out a groan. "Morning," I whispered.

"Morning," he replied, smiling at me. My heart rate spiked as he pressed his lips to mine. I felt like I was soaring every time I felt those lips against mine. Too soon, he pulled away. "I have to get to work," he sighed.

"Okay," I replied with a small smile. Pecking his lips, I got up and began to get ready for my day. For the next several months, we fell into a new schedule. Once a week, Enjolras would go with me to my meetings and I'd go to his. Otherwise we stayed out of each other's meetings. We did no more than kissing during our time alone together when we weren't reading or working.

Something I learned during this time is that we are both workaholics. It was kind of a problem. One good thing about it was we never got frustrated with each other when we were up working late or too busy working to spend much time together. Today seemed to be one such time. I had on my glasses and was working on a speech in my nightgown by the light of a candle and Apollo was reading in bed. With a sigh, I finally set aside my quill and glasses and blew out the candle. As I crawled into bed, Apollo set aside his book.

"Hi," I greeted with a smile.

"Hi," he replied, kissing me softly. The kiss became more passionate as I tangled my hands in his hair. His hands moved to my waist as his lips trailed down to my jaw and finally to my neck. I hummed in pleasure as my grip in his hair tightened, causing me to tug on his hair. His lips vibrated against my neck. Cupping his chin with my finger, I lead his lips back to mine and moved so I was straddling him. His tongue slipped into my mouth as he lay me back on the bed.

Pulling away slightly, I said, "Wait. Do you want this?"

"Do you?" he replied, looking me in the eyes.

"I want you," I whispered. Instantly his lips pressed back to mine.
Apollo played with my hair as I lay against his chest. I felt rather drowsy but I wasn't asleep yet. "What are the chances," he said softly, "that not only our parents accidentally put two revolutionary leaders together but they actually grew to care about one another."

"I guess we were just meant to be," I replied, tracing shapes over his chest. I let out a chuckle as he pressed his lips to mine again. "Apollo, we need to sleep," I laughed, but I kissed him back. This kiss was much slower. I relished in the feeling of his lips against mine. It was a slow, sleepy kiss that ended when I buried my head in the crook of his neck. Apollo wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me to him as I began to drift off.

"I love you, Blaise," he said quietly.

"I love you too, Apollo," I whispered.

Smiling, he kissed my head and said, "Get some sleep, love." I hummed in response and quickly drifted off.

For the first time since my marriage, I was truly happy, but this is no fairytale. You all know how this ends. This is a tragedy, and what would a tragedy be with happiness? I woke to hear soft voices in the living room. Rolling over, I felt for Apollo, but the sheets beside me were cold.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting up as Apollo came back, his brows furrowed and his expression sympathetic.

"That was my father," he admitted, sitting down on the bed beside me. After a pause, he said, "He came by to let me know that your parents...they died last night."

"What?" I said quietly, my blood running cold.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, he explained, "They were in their carriage after going to see an opera when the carriage was stopped by a group of convicts. They stole money and jewelry and then...well you can guess." I didn't know what to say or what to do. "The convicts had escaped a few days before." I sank back into the bed and turned away from him. "Blaise," he said softly.

"How am I supposed to feel right now?" I asked quietly, my voice dull and hallow, almost numb. "I...I hated them for most of my life, but they were still my parents."

"I'm here, whatever you need," Apollo said. I turned and lay my head in his lap. He began to play with my hair but we sat in silence as I thought. About an hour later, a tear slipped from the corner of my eye. I sat up, turning away from Apollo as another tear followed. At last, all my carefully constructed walls came down and a sob left my lips. My shoulders shook as I pressed my fist into my mouth. A harsh gasp proceeded another sob as Apollo wrapped his arms around me.

I cried into his shoulder until I had calmed enough to say, "They were ignorant and blind, but they did what they thought was best for me. They weren't good people, but they tried. They didn't mean to hurt anyone. They just didn't understand."

"I know," Apollo said quietly, hugging me tighter as silent tears and shaky breathing left me.

He started to let go, but I tightened my grip on him and begged, "Stay, I pray you."

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