10. Wait For It

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"That went well," I said, kissing Apollo's cheek as we walked along towards home.

"I warned you, Blaisaline," a sharp, loud voice called. I turned and saw Javert. Instantly, I stepped in front of Apollo. 

"Stay away from him, Phinehas. He's innocent!" I shouted angrily.

"No, he's not," Javert retorted. It was too dark to see him clearly, but the voice was too familiar for me to not know who he was. "I almost have what I need to relieve him of his head. Let's just hope you aren't caught in the cross-hairs."

"Blaise," Apollo called, rushing after me as I ran into the house. Gripping my shoulders so I was facing him, he asked, "Who was that?"

"Camille's husband," I admitted.

"That was Javert?" he asked. I nodded.

"I-I didn't tell you. When he was here before he...he said he was going to try and get you executed," I admitted. "He wants to take you from me."

"I'm not going anywhere," Apollo countered.

"He wants to kill you!" I shouted. "Doesn't that scare you?!"

"Blaise, you're shaking. Breathe," he said. His brows were furrowed in concern as I lay my forehead on his shoulder to try and calm my breathing. Pulling away, I stared into his concerned and worried eyes before pressing my lips to his. Kissing back, he pressed my back into the wall. Pulling away, I grabbed his hand and started for our bedroom, connecting our lips again.
"It's almost time," I whispered, laying against Apollo's chest. "Lamarque is sick. Once he's gone, that'll be it. Now, we just need to wait for it."

"And we'll face it when it does," he replied, kissing my forehead. "Together."

"Always," I replied, moving to rest on my elbows. Cupping his cheek, I connected our lips again, moving closer to him.

"Wait," Apollo interrupted, pulling away from me.


Cupping my cheeks, he said, "I know you're scared. About the revolution. About me and what might happen, but everything is going to be okay. No matter what happens, we'll see each other again. I need you to know that."

"Okay," I agreed sadly, kissing his cheek.

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