6. Everything to Win

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Sunlight streamed through the window and onto my face as I woke. My eyes fluttered open to see that Apollo was sleeping next to me and for once he was facing me. His messy hair fell over his forehead and then I noticed how peaceful he looked. He never looked that way when he was awake. Rolling over, I got up and went to my closet. Flipping through my dresses, I found a simple grey skirt. This I paired with a white corset.

As Apollo was still asleep, I didn't change behind my makeshift wall. Once I finished, I sat down at my table and began to brush through my curly hair. My dark brown curls fell down to my waist. Through the mirror, I saw my icy blue eyes shine under my dark eyebrows. I sighed, setting aside my brush and staring at my face in the mirror. I had a thin, narrow face, a slim mouth, and large eyes. My skin was pale and clear.

Looking in my eyes, I saw that my walls were down. Through my eyes, I saw fear. This revolution scared me and now my husband who it turns out isn't trash might die too. I snapped out of it as I heard him get up. Quickly, I fixed some of my curls out and out of my face with a clip and got up. "Morning," I said, wrapping up in a sweater.

"Morning," he replied. I went to the kitchen to start breakfast. I warmed some bread and cut small slivers of cheese to place on top of them. With this, I put an apple on each plate. I stared off into space as I ate before Apollo joined me. Next moment, there was a knock on the door. Sharing a confused look with Apollo, I got up to open the door.

"Madame Enjolras," I greeted in surprise. "It's so nice to see you. Please, come in." Spotting her son, she went towards where we were eating in the kitchen and I gave Apollo a scared look behind his mother's back.

"Oh, Apollo, you look so well," his mother cooed, hugging him tightly. He managed a half-smile as I quickly made tea and handed cups out, stuffing some papers into a cupboard and out of sight. We made small talk for a while before the topic suddenly switched and I knew exactly why she was here.

As I took a sip of tea, Madame Enjolras remarked, "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you. When will I get any grandchildren? You two have been married for two years." I choked on my tea and began coughing.

My eyes burning, I coughed out, "What?"

"You need an heir!" she said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I looked at Apollo with wide eyes. The truth is, he and I haven't even kissed since the day of our wedding, forget sex. Looking between us, the woman asked, "How hard have you been trying. At least once a day, that's what I say." My face was a deep red as she went on about methods. Apollo, I saw, was also very flushed.

"Mother," he interrupted finally. "I, uh, I think I can speak for both my wife and I when I say that this isn't a conversation we want to have with you. You'll get a grandchild when God wills it." After another hour of awkward conversation, she finally left. After the door shut behind her, I pressed my palms into my eyes and groaned.

"What would she say if she knew?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"She'd probably lock us in a room and wouldn't let us leave until we had," he replied, sitting down on his seat and suddenly looking like he was ten years older.

"I never really thanked you," I said quietly, staring into the table. His eyes looked up into mine before I glanced at him and explained, "You never tried to force anything. It meant and still means a lot that you respect me enough for that."

"You shouldn't have to thank me," he sighed. "That should be the expectation."

"Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that," I replied. "But...you're a good man, Apollo." Standing I remarked, "I need to get ready for the meeting. I have a speech to write." He nodded and I went to work at my desk.

At seven-thirty I grabbed my coat and we headed out. "Welcome Madames, Mademoiselle, and Monsieurs," I greeted, setting aside my coat. "Apollo is joining us for today."

Once everyone had gotten a drink and settled into seats, I stood up, facing everyone. "We live in a world where those society places above us are applauded for doing the right thing. They are labeled as the good ones just for doing the bare minimum. Men, women, and children are suffering, and giving up everything to try and survive and most of them still die."

"We need to rise up," I said firmly. "We have nothing to lose. We have everything to win. Our lives, you say? Sure. We were just going to die anyway. Slowly, the middle class is being sucked into the lower class as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We need change. We need something new. If we make this country a republic, we might actually have a chance."

My eyes shone as I said softly, "Someone asked me once if I would ever die for what I believed in." Enjolras looked up sharply. "My answer then and now is the same. I will do whatever it takes to see justice done. Whatever it cost me. If it means I die, I die. If it gets me disowned, I'm disowned. If it means I'm beaten and tortured then that's the way it'll be. We need to be ready to go to war."

Looking around at them all, I saw a fire in each of their eyes, but when my eyes met Apollo's it wasn't just a fire. It was a wildfire tearing through a forest and consuming every cell in its sight. I blinked, snapping myself out of it and turned back to the meeting. For the next hour, we worked before Apollo and I had to go to the café for his meeting.

He was unusually quiet before I asked, "What's wrong? You're quiet."

"Nothing, I just...I've never heard anyone speak like that," he admitted. I blushed, looking away from him. My heart felt a sort of longing that seemed to lighten it. I looped my arm around his as we walked and was surprised at how...almost nervous I felt. What's happening to me? As we were walking, past us ran a boy and a girl in their teens. They were laughing and running together and staring at one another with a look of such love.

My heart ached slightly at the sight as their lips connected. Glancing back at Apollo, I began to think. Why do I suddenly feel this way around him? We went into the meeting and it progressed rather quickly. I added what I could but soon the meeting was over. After straightening his stuff up, we went back home. Once inside the house, I set aside my coat and shawl and grabbed my book.

As I read, I saw that Apollo had sat down near me. Finally, I looked up, taking off my reading glasses so I could see him clearly. He was staring into the newly made fire. I set aside my book and grabbed his hand as I lay my head against his shoulder. He glanced at me but didn't say anything. "Everything's different now," he remarked quietly.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

Pulling away from me slightly, he said, "Blaise, we don't have to be in loveless marriage if you don't want to."

My heart dropped and I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. "What, you want this annulled?"

"No," he said quickly. I looked at him. His eyes shifted down to my lips. Moving my hand into his curls, I pulled his lips to mine. Instantly, he kissed back and I felt lightheaded. Everything we hadn't expressed towards one another through our years of marriage seemed to be coming out as our lips moved against each others. A strangled moan left my lips as his tongue entered my mouth.

My cheeks became flushed as I drew in a deep breath through my nose. Finally, we pulled apart. My eyes were still closed as I felt him lay his forehead against mine.

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