8. All I Ask of You

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"How are you doing?" Apollo asked, kissing my head as I lay against his chest.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I sighed. "Sorry, I just-"

"Hey, no," he interrupted. "You have a right to talk about it when you want to. I'm here to talk when and if you want to." I nodded, tightening my grip around him before there was a harsh banging on the door.

"Please make them go," I begged.

Getting up, Apollo sighed, "Stay here, I'll handle it." I nodded. He shut the door to the bedroom but I could still hear what was happening as the front door was rather close to the bedroom.

"We need to see Blaise," a female voice said urgently.

"Now is not a good time," Apollo countered. "She doesn't want to see anyone right now."

"But this is really important," the girl, who I now recognized as Patria hissed.

Lowering his voice, Apollo retorted, "Her parents just died. She's trying to cope."

A voice I recognized as Señora Pilar said, "Patria, maybe we should wait..."

"No!" Patria shouted and for the first time I heard how scared she was. With a sigh, I got up and opened the door.

"What is it, Patria?" I asked, my voice hoarse and my expression dead and unlifelike.

"It's the police," she cried, rushing over to me. "They know that you and Monsieur Enjolras are revolutionaries and he's looking for proof before he can arrest you both. He raided my tea shop, Blaise."

"I have all the papers of importance," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. "We'll be fine."

Looking uncertainly between me and Apollo, Patria asked, "Are we...are we having a meeting today?" I sighed.

"Not today," I replied. "Tomorrow we'll have a meeting but not today. Tell everyone."

"With all respect, Señora Blaise," Señora Pilar interrupted softly. "Demasiados de nuestro número dependen de esa reunión para comer y beber. Simpatiza, por supuesto, de las muertes de sus padres, pero permítame, por favor, dirigir la reunión en sus ausencias."

"Muy bien, dirija la reunión, pero tráiganme un informe completo y cualquier plan que haga," I requested.

"Gracias," she replied, bowing her head slightly.

My head still stuck in Spanish, I turned to the others and said, "Señora Pilar dirigirá la reunión en mis ausencias. Reanudaré ir a las reuniones mañana después de que el aguince de mis padres su muerte duela menos."

"You're still speaking Spanish, love," Apollo chuckled, kissing my temple.

"Oh mi, Señor ayúdame," I groaned. "Un momento, por favor." After a moment's pause, I finally shifted back to French and explained, "Pilar will run the meeting today, I will resume attending tomorrow." After they had left, there was a knock on the door. "What now?" I grumbled, looking through the keyhole. With wide eyes, I looked back at Apollo. "Hide," I breathed. "Go." He quickly hid in the bedroom, his brow furrowed, but he didn't question me.

Once I was sure he was gone, I opened the door, greeting, "Cousin."

"It's good to see you, Blaisaline," he replied. I rolled my eyes once he couldn't see me as I made some tea. "I came to offer my condolences on your parents. I know they loved you very much." I nodded, giving a fake smile as I handed him a cup of tea. "Did, uh, did they leave you everything? I know they never had any other children."

"A small portion is going to your parents and some others, but the majority of it goes to me," I admitted.

"Good, good," he said awkwardly, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. "You should, uh, make sure it gets kept somewhere safe. Perhaps even where your husband can't get to it." My eyebrows shot up as I set down my cup, making a sharp bang on the counter.

With a clearly fake smile, I turned to him, asking, "If you came here to say something about my husband, just say it. I don't enjoy bouncing around and subtle hints."

"Very well then," he agreed, also settling aside his glass. After a moment's thought, he asked, "Do you love your husband, Blaisaline?"

"Of course I do," I retorted. "What is this about, Phinehase?"

"I and my department have reason to believe your husband is a revolutionary," he admitted.

Remaining expressionless, I countered, "Apollo loves France. He would never harm her." Walking past him, I moved to the sink to take care of my glass, but Javert spoke as my back was turned.

"He will be executed, Blaisaline." I froze, the thought of Apollo dying freezing the blood in my very veins. "I'm just trying to make sure you'll be taken care of when he does."

Turning around, I retorted icily, "My husband is innocent. I won't let you hurt him."

Stepping towards me, he said lowly, "So defensive. Remember your place in the world, dear Blaisaline. Just cook, clean your home, and serve men. That's all your good for. I'll see myself out." A single tear fell down my cheek as he shut the door behind him. With an enraged shout, I flung the cup he had used into the wall, causing it to shatter as angry tears streamed down my cheeks as the ice in my veins thawed to boiling.

"BASTARD!" I screamed, throwing a book across the room. Apollo rushed out of the bedroom and tried to wrap his arms around me. I weakly fought against him, but soon my rage turned into sorrow and I collapsed in tears against his chest as he lowered me to the ground. "What's the point?" I cried, gasping for breath as he ran his fingers through my hair. "No one cares. 'Stay in your place' 'serve men' 'clean because it's all you're good for' WHAT IS THE POINT?! Men will never change."

"Shh," Apollo soothed. "I know. It isn't right."

"I'm sorry," I said softly, finally getting control of myself a little. Looking up, I saw that he was smiling slightly. "All men but you and a few of the ABC boys." Reminded of the revolution, my smile dropped. "He knows, Apollo. He knows you're a revolutionary. That's why he was here, but if you die, so will I."

"No," he protested instantly, cupping my cheeks. "I want you to live on. I want you to-"

"Apollo," I interrupted softly, cupping his cheek. He leaned into my touch slightly as I said, "No more talk of darkness. Forget these wide-eyed fears. What's the point of living on without you? Apollo, I ask only one of you. Let me die with you. That's all I ask of you."

After a long moment of thought, he finally replied, "Okay." I pressed my forehead to his gently and closed my eyes. With a small smile, I cupped his other cheek and pressed my lips to his. When we pulled away, Apollo gently wiped away my tears with his thumb, studying my face. "I love you, Blaise."

"I love you too, Apollo," I replied, kissing him again.

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