In the heat of the moment.

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🤷‍♀️I dunno 🤷‍♀️
Bakugous POV

In the heat of the moment you don't notice everything around you.
You don't notice that while you're fighting a crusty bitch, your best friend is being taken.
You don't notice that said crusty bitch was just a distraction.
And you don't notice that by the time crusty bitch retreats, your best friend is already gone.

I didn't notice.

I didn't notice.

How could I not notice?

I rush after the van Shigiraki hopped into while retreating and run as fast as I can. Faster, faster, FASTER!

I grab the back of the van with one hand and blast the doors off with the other. I look in and I see Twice and Toga in the back looking back at me with wide eyes and I see an unconscious Kirishima being held by the neck by Shigiraki. His pinky up.


I don't doubt that he'll do it, but when have I ever been known to listen?

I jump into the back, the van still moving, and start blasting before I remember that Kiri can't harden if he's asleep. Damn. I start throwing punches instead.

Toga comes at me with a knife and I do a maneuver that Pink Cheeks taught me to get the knife away.

"Not you too! Why are all you brats doing that move?" Toga whines.

I kick her in the throat and into Twice and they tumble to the ground. Twice starts to fuss over Toga and make sure she's not dying.

I turn to crusty bitch. "Give me back Red Riot."

He puts his pinky down "Never." And he smiles at me as Kirishima starts to break.

I send smoke blast his way to disorient him and I tug on Kiri as hard as I can. He comes loose from Shigirakis grip and we both tumble out of the open back of the doors and into the road.

The van continues to speed off but I don't care. I need to make sure that Shitty Hair is okay. Luckily we tumbled next to an alley so I take him in and prop him against the wall.

I inspect his neck and it's cracked but not too bad. He definitely needs medical attention though. I start trying to wake him up.

"Come on Kirishima wake up, you can't be asleep right now." I nudged him and spoke to him.

He groaned but wouldn't wake up.

I decided to call for help. I had just gotten my hero's license and Kiri had gotten Fatgum to agree to let me patrol with them just this once so I could see how it worked. We got attacked by the LOV and we got seperated from Fatgum and Sun Eater.

This was supposed to be the day I asked him out.

The ambulance got there a few minutes after I called. I had applied pressure to his neck with a part of his weird cape from his pants, I'll pay for any repairs needed, and kept trying to get him to wake up.

"Thank you hero, we can take it from here." A responder took Kiri from me and into the vehicle.

I wasn't allowed in because I had to wait for Fatgum and Sun Eater. I wasn't too eager to see them.

When they got there I had to explain what all happened without crying. I tried so hard not to, but when Fatgum pulled me in for a hug I couldn't help it. My best friend and crush had just almost been taken captive because I wasn't paying attention. He got hurt. I hate feelings.

"It'll be okay Bakugou. Let's go see him." Fatgum said.

He needed a certain surgery to help replace the lost skin and muscle lost by the disintegration. So we had to wait a few hours.

I took off my gauntlets and mask but couldn't change out of my hero costume. I was offered jackets and blankets but I refused. Kirishima was in discomfort right now and I wasn't about to be all comfortable waiting.

Our classmates all arrived and were being seated in their own waiting room but I decided to stay with Fatgum and Tamaki, we would get the news first and I needed to know that I didn't kill one of the only people I actually truly cared about. His parents apparently were on vacation a few hours away and nobody was able to contact them. It's better if they knew the news once his surgery was over anyways.

A doctor came into our waiting area, after what felt like forever, and we all sprang up eager to hear the news.

"He's going to be fine but needs to take it east for about a week. Luckily, his vocal cords and most of his muscles were intact so he can speak just fine and move it fine but there will be discomfort." The doctor was absorbed by Fatgum trying to hug him and it took a minute for us to get him out.

"Bakugou, why don't you go first? You've been awfully quite and I know this has been hard on you" Fatgum offered

I went by myself and found Kirishima just waking up and smiling at me as soon as he saw me. The doctor warned me that he might be a little out of it.

"Hey" was all he said.


"What happened?"

"You were almost kidnapped by the lov and while I was getting you back, Shigaraki almost disintegrated your neck. He didn't though and you just lost some skin and stuff but they performed a surgery to restore it and you'll be fine. Shitty Hair." I tried not to let my voice waver and I looked at the ground.

"Thank you Bakubro" he smiled again and reached a fist out.

Of course I bumped it.

It was silent before he grabbed my hand and gave it a little kiss and said," you're really cute ya know. I know you don't like to express your feelings but I've been your friend long enough to know that you're nice when you want to be and in your own weird, angry little way. You've grown since I've known you. You know, I kinda love you. You're cuuuuuuutteee" he started to giggle at the end

I stood there not knowing what to do.

He ended up falling back asleep but still held onto my hand. I looked around making sure no one was watching and I bent down to kiss his forehead.

"Fucking Shitty Hair."

A/N: EYYYYYYYYYYY IM NOT DEAD!!!! It's short and messy but it's something! I've been going through a rough patch which has caused me to loose inspiration. I have covid rn, and my girlfriend broke up with me while I've had it. So it's been fun. But I promise that I'll try my best to get to requests and just try and get more stories out. I've been planning on writing another story on my page, a DC universe one based around Damien and him basically trying to cope with the trauma he obviously has but doesn't want to acknowledge all of his issues! I'm also planning on writing a Harry Potter fic on what would happen if Harry had a twin sister and if Sirius and Remus could have raised them! Be sure to look out for those and as always, be gay, do crimes. I love you all!!!!!!

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