Kirishima's scars.

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⚠️!Trigger warning!⚠️

Kirishima's POV

I don't like feeling like this. Like I'm worthless. Like I'm wasting everybody's time. I know I should break up with Bakugou but, I love him too much. I'm being selfish, I know, but he makes me feel a little but better. I know he's only dating me because he pitys me.

You're worth nothing.

I know.

Everybody hates you.

I know

So why don't you just do them all a favor and die?

I should...

"Kiri? Are you ok?" I was interrupted from my thoughts by Bakugou.

"I'm fine." I responded "I was just thinking."

"Well don't forget that you're sleeping in my room tonight." He reminded me

"I won't. Just let me go get my things and I'll be there in a few minutes."


I went to my room quickly and made sure to lock the door before breaking down. I cried my heart out. I slowly walked over to my desk and opened the bottom drawer and took out a pocket knife.

I slid down the the floor and rolled up my sleeves. I unraveled my bandages and stared and my arms which already had dozens of scars all over some had healed and turned white while others were new. I dragged the knife across my skin over and over again until my arms hurt so bad that I couldn't take it anymore.

I put the knife back in the drawer before getting new bandages and wrapping my arms up.

I started to get some of my things when I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey shitty hair, you coming?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah! I just lost track of time, I'll be right there!" I tried to sound cheerful

I finished packing and opened the door to run into Bakugou.

"About time. What were you doing?" He asked slightly annoyed

I must annoy him. He hates me.

"Nothing, just picking out some night clothes." I said losing my cheerfulness a little bit.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked in a soft voice. He placed a hand on my shoulder and tilted his head.

He's so cute.

You don't deserve him.

I know.

"I'm fine." I said, starting to tear up.

"Hey, it's ok. Whatevers wrong I'll help you." He pulled me into a hug before picking me up.

We went to his room as I cried into his shirt.

You're so weak.

I know.

He doesn't actually care.

I know.

He pities you.

I know.

He opened his door and walked us in before closing it again. He walked us over to his bed before setting me on it and grabbing a blanket. He settled on the bed before grabbing me and hugged me while wrapping the blanket around us.

I clung to him while crying. I cried until there were no more tears left. I fell asleep in Bakugous arms.

I could feel him stroking my hair and playing with it. I liked it. He was always so kind to me. I didnt deserve it.


I woke up from the pain in my arms. It felt like they were being held.

I jerked awake. It took me a second before I could see what was going on. Bakugou was holding my wrist while crying.

"Bakugou?" I asked, terrified.

"Why," he asked through tears," why would you do this to yourself?"

The bandages were unraveled and my arms littered with scars were shown for the world to see.

"I do it because I hate myself. I'm not good enough. You don't even like me, you only date me because you pity me." I started crying again.

He hugged me so tight it hurt.

"I love you Kiri! I don't pity you! You're so manly and I don't know anybody who could come close to you!"

He loves me?

No he doesn't!

"Are you telling me the truth?" I whispered.

"Of course!" He whispered back

He kissed me softly. It only lasted a few seconds before we pulled apart.

He took my arms and started to kiss them. His tears fell on my scars and made them start to sting but I didn't care.

"Please don't hurt yourself." He whispered to me

"I'll try." I couldn't make any promises, I didn't want to make him sad if i broke it.

"At least promise me that you'll come to me if you have bad thoughts or want to hurt yourself."

"I will." We whispered as though if we spoke any louder the while world would fall apart.

He kissed me again. It was more passionate this time. He tastes like caramel, probably because of his quirk.

I grabbed his hair with one hand and pulled him closer by the back of his neck with the other. He cupped my face in his hands and pulled away.

He squished my face with one hand and booped my nose with the other.

I giggled and pecked his lips.

"You're so cute." He laughed.

We ended up watching Disney movies while cuddling in his bed. We fell asleep with small smiles on both our faces.

I want to try and get better. I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy again. I'm going to talk to Bakugou when when I'm sad.

I plan on telling him about where the knife is but right now I just want to cuddle with him.

I hope you guys like this! It's better than my last one but it took longer. Thanks for reading!

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