Don't lie about that shit.

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No ones POV

Bakugou had once been gone from school for two months after the villian attack at the training camp.

People assumed that it was him being under constant surveillance by the police and heros or that he needed a break to cope with him being kidnapped. They tried to ask after he came back but he just yelled at them to 'mind their own business.'

No one asked after that.

Kirishimas POV

Everybody knew that Mineta was full of shit whenever he said he has depression, and everybody knew he had crossed the line when he lied about trying to kill himself.

"I just couldn't take it anymore! I'm gonna try again tonight." He was telling the whole class with tears in his eyes.

Everybody knew how full of shit he was. We all knew that the 'self-harm scars' were just red pen. We all knew that he put eye drops in his eyes for fake tears. We all knew that he just desperately wanted attention. God, I hate him.

Mr. Aizawa hadn't shown up yet because he was in a meeting with the other teachers so he couldn't stop it. Mineta wouldn't listen to anybody when they told him to stop or shut up.

"Mineta, we all know you're faking it! Just give it up!" Mina screamed at him with several people agreeing.

"You're so mean! This is why I'm trying to kill myself!" He screamed back trying to make himself cry.

"OH SHUT UP!" Bakugou screamed.

He got up, stormed over to Mineta, and grabbed his shirt, lifting him to eye level.

"You don't know what it's actually like to want to kill yourself. To never have any energy for shit. To actually carve into your skin with a knife or any sharp object you can find. To want to tell people but get so worried that their going to think that your faking it, because you actually are."

Everybody was silent.

I stared at him. Did he know what it felt like? Is Bakugou actually just explaining how he feels? How could I have never noticed it?

He continued. "You don't know what it's like to actually try and commit suicide. To be so scared but just not being able to actually live anymore. To have your parents walk in on you trying to kill yourself and once they realize what you're doing they rush over to you and rip the knife from your hands before calling the ambulance because you're bleeding out. To know what if feels like for them to hold your dying body and cry while trying to keep you alive. You don't know what it's like to wake up in a hospital room and being in pain and not remembering what happened. To have a doctor tell you that you almost died and crying because you're still alive." His voice was shaking now.

I moved closer to him but he kept talking.

"To have to spend two months in a mental ward and have no privacy because everybody is trying to kill themselves. Then when you come back, you have to pretend everything is fine and that you still don't want to kill yourself. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO ACTUALLY WANT TO DIE, SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO!" He crying now.

He threw down Mineta and walked out of the class.

Mineta looked shocked,"Wow, what a crybaby." He started laughing.

Everybody glared at him and I walked up to him and punched him before walking after Bakugou.

I found him in the bathroom hiding in a stall. He was crying quietly and sniffling as though to hide his tears.

"Bakugou? Are you in there?" I called quietly.

"Who's Bakugou?" He answered, it was obviously him.

"I'm coming in."

I opened the door to find him with his hands wet and covering his face. I took his hands and looked at his face. It was red and puffy, his cheeks were wet and he was sniffing trying to keep his nose from running. I just wrapped my arms around him and let him cry for as long as he needed.

I've never seen him like this. Is this how hes been feeling? Why didn't he come to me?

"Kiri?" He pulled back and looked at me, "Thanks for this."

"Of course, what boyfriend would I be if I just let you cry in a bathroom?" I asked with a smile.

"A shitty one." He smiled back.

I cupped his face and kissed him softly. We pulled away and hugged for a while before deciding to spend the rest of the day at the dorms. Of course I told Mr. Aizawa what happened before we left and he happily let us.

We walked back hand in hand without talking. It was a comfortable silence. We passed an ice cream stand and decided to get some to help cheer Bakugou up. He ended up getting plain vanilla and I got chocolate fudge with gummy bears.

"I don't know how you can eat so much sugar." Bakugou laughed.

"Well I think it's better than just plain vanilla!" I retorted, "I just so happen to have a major sweet tooth."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

We finished up and continued back to the dorms. We headed up to his room and cuddled for a while. I knew that eventually we would have to talk about what happened at school, but I wanted to make sure he was calm and collected before moving forward.

"Hey, Bakugou? Can we talk about what happened earlier? You know you can tell me anything, right?" I looked at him and reassured him.

"I know, I just....the kidnapping and villain attacks have taken a bigger hit on me then I realized. I hated myself for being so weak, even my mom told me how weak I was. I know shes trying to be encouraging, but that really hurts. The villains thought that I would team up with them and i was so scared. They tried convincing me that no one was coming and a lot of other bad things into my head. I believed them, and I still do." He whispered.

I took his hand and kissed him again,"I love you so much. Whatever they said to you wasn't true. If you start to believe any of what they said then come to me and I'll prove it wrong."

He started crying again. He hugged me and told me he would try. We cuddled until we fell asleep in each others arms. We didn't wake up until dinner.

We were told that Mineta would be suspended for three weeks because of him causing a student to have a breakdown and him lying about serious things to make people pay attention to him. The girls were going to come forward about his sexual harrassment to help get him expelled.

Bakugou comes to me when be needs help or starts to believe what the LoV said to him. I'm grateful that he trusts me so much and lets me see a vulnerable side of him.

A/N I've been working on this one for a while, I'm not entirely happy with it but I needed to get something published.
I wanted to thank everybody that's voting and commenting! I love reading them!

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