The Four Senses

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So I love the deaf Bakugo head-cannons because I have a really hard time hearing because of my sensory issues so this is a little story about that headcannon

Bakugou's POV

My shitty old hag of a mother cut my hair because it was getting too long and now my ears are exposed. She knows I hate it when people can see my ears and hearing aids!!!!
It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just that people could spot my weakness and use it against me or think that I need to be protected.

I don't need to be protected.

I hoped no one would notice until my hair grew out again, but I doubt I would be that lucky. So I went off to school more agitated than normal.

As I got to school I got compliments on my hair but ignored them and hurried off to class. I sat down in my seat and hunched over with my hands subtly covering my ears with a scowl on my face so nobody would come over to me.

Unfortunately stupid Deku saw this as a cry for help.

"Kacchan are you okay? You seem upset." He started to ramble on about the importance of mental health and some other shit but I didn't really care

"SHUT UP DEKU IM FINE" I yelled at him, luckily this was normal so it didn't cause any unwanted attention

He awkwardly shuffled off to go talk to Pink Cheeks and Motor Legs.

It was a few minutes until the bell rang for class to start when Kirishima came in. He headed straight for me like normal.

"Hey Bakubro!!!! I love your haircut so manly! And did you get new headphones? I haven't seen those before, what are you listening to?" DAMMIT he noticed my hearing aids

"Nothing, just wanted people to leave me alone." I panicked and took them out and put them into my pockets.

I started reading his lips to understand what he was saying, I could barely hear anything and was worried I was talking louder than normal. Eventually he headed back to his seat and I assumed the bell rang so I looked towards the front of the room to see Mr. Aizawa writing on the board our assignment.

Thank god for that. But when I read what the assignment was I froze. We had to write about the struggles heroes face and how they can overcome it.......and we had to read it out loud to the whole class. FUCK.

We had until tomorrow to work on it and would be working with Present Mic to pick our topics and edit the papers. For now we would be going to do hero training outside.

We were sent to change in the locker rooms and while I was changing a hand was placed on my shoulder. I whipped around to find Kirishima trying to talk to me.

"- feeling okay bro?" Was all I could catch.

"Fine, just have an ear infection or something. Just a little out of it but nothing I can't handle." I knew I had to make up something and not brush it off or else he wouldn't leave me alone.

"-visit Recovery Girl?"

"No I'm fine." Okay so maybe telling him I wasn't feeling well DIDNT work.

I tried to finish changing as soon as possible in the locker rooms and was first to leave to the training grounds where I was met with Aizawa trying to give instructions to me. But I couldn't hear him. Shit.

After he seemed to be done talking, Kirishima turned to me and seemed to ask if I wanted to be his partner. Of course I nodded.

"Explain this to me again? I wasn't listening" Smooth Bakugou, smooth.

I tried to read his lips best as I could and what I could get from it, we were to work on stretches and making a daily stretch routine to do before we go out to fight or on patrol. Apparently when Mr. Aizawa was younger he never did stretches and would cramp up during fights or feel extra sore the day after, he never thought to teach us about it until other students in class started to cramp up as well. We were partnered up to help find ideas for the routine and to help each other with flexibility.

I tried my best to follow Kiri in stretches and do what he was saying but it was hard when he wasn't facing me. When class was over he seemed distant which made me worry that he was upset at me.

I felt him grab my shoulder after leaving the locker room and I turned to face him.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked

"No, I just have something on my mind. Don't worry about it." He can't know

"Oh.....well okay....can I ask you something?"

Shit shit shit

"Will you go out with me?" His face was flushed like his hair and he was holding out a rose towards me.


A/N: sorry for being gone for so long!!! Thanks for all the love while I was gone!!!! Have this part one of one of my favorite head cannons/ AU

I'll try to update more so don't forget to leave some suggestions!

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