Chapstick Challenge part 2

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This was highly requested! I am working on the requests page rn so please be patient! I am going in order of who requested first.


Bakugou's POV

This whole challenge was stupid.

Don't get me wrong, being able to kiss Shitty Hair is great, I just hate chapstick. I don't see the point!

I didn't say anything because he seemed so happy and cute and UGH! I hate him so much.

We had fallen asleep during the video so we decided to continue when we woke up later.

"Bakubro, I believe it is my turn, after you picked at awful pickle flavoured chapstick." Kiri joked.

I nodded, he started to blindfold me. Once it was snug on my face he pecked my lips causing me to slightly blush.

I hadn't really ever been in a relationship before so I still got flustered when we kissed, held hands, or even cuddled. I still don't understand how he could tolerate me.

The last person I liked called me a monster and yelled at me for even talking to them. Yeah, I'm not exactly the most popular or nicest person.

Kirishima is so nice to me. He understands me and helps me calm down. He understands that I haven't ever really had help on controlling my emotions, my home life not being great, and that my anger issues had only ever been met with violence at home. My mom thinks I'm weak and that any emotions that make you vulnerable are bad. My dad tries to help me with expressing them but Mom is abusive to us and we try not to anger her all that much.

( A/N: This is how I actually feel about Bakugous home life. It's really dysfunctional and bad. His mom isn't great and calls him weak all the time. She isn't supportive and he doesn't know anything but violence in discipline.)

Kiri makes stupid videos to help cheer me up when I've come back to the dorms after the weekends. He takes me to dollar stores and buys every type of flavored chapstick as an excuse to kiss me. He makes me spicy foods and makes me laugh by trying to eat them with me and he ends up crying from how hot I like it. He sees how touch starved I am and cuddles me. He understands that I'm not a huge fan of other people touching me and explains to other people why so i don't have to. He's amazing.

"Are you almost ready Shitty Hair?" I ask after listening to him rustle around for a while.

"Yeah, just hold on a sec!" I hear him pop his lips.

His hands grab my cheeks and slowly pull me in. I grab his wrists and move in.

His lips collide with mine. We kiss for a few seconds before I glide my tongue over his lips to get a taste of the chapstick.

I pull back.

What the hell is that?

"It's sweet but also not? What the hell?" I start to list off how it tastes.

"Well?" Kiri giggles.

"Is it tootsie roll? Like that's the only way I know how to explain it."

"Well, technically yes. It's actually chocolate but yeah, it does really taste like a tootsie roll." He praises me for getting it right. "Your turn!"

"God this is so pointless. Why can't we just make out like you want me to? You don't have to do this challenge to kiss me you know." I finally tell him how I feel about this.

"Yeah, but I felt like this just added spark to it!" Kiri explained.

I took off my blindfold and looked into his beautiful, red eyes. I grabbed his face and smashed it into mine.

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