Accidental Confessions- Pierson

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To those who read the author's note, thanks for the support and comments. Thanks for giving me ideas and requests. Thanks for the greetings, my dear readers.

This is requested by AuthorHNM

Enjoy, my dear readers. Have a nice day.


The kisses he gave to you. The warmth of his hug he gave every night. The comforting words coming from his mouth. All of it melted you like hot chocolate.

It all started in Operation Cobra. He called you in his room. That's where he confessed everything and kissed you. That's where all the secret meetings with him began.

Entering his tent during free time was a common practice for you. Of course, with all that occurring, your friends, Daniels, Zussman, Aiello, and Stiles began to suspect something.

You started to miss his warm touch. You missed Pierson. Many of the soldiers are having their free time. You were wondering how Pierson was doing. You were still worried about his health and stress.

You walked towards the tent of the sergeant. You peeped inside the tent. You were glancing around your surroundings. The trees, the muddy ground, and the clear sky was a view.

As you peeped again, you felt a huge presence. As you glanced back, you saw him. His usual angry and stressed out self looking down at you. You felt a cold wind hitting your body.

"What are you doing in front of my tent," Pierson asked.

You gulped, still scared to answer. You weren't scared of him. However, what you are scared is his demons. You are facing his right now. He grabbed your throat roughly that the grip made you choke.

A couple of men looked at you concerned. As you glanced behind, Turner was walking towards the both of you.

"Answer me." he growled, tightening the grip at your throat.

You didn't answer due to the fact that your throat is block. You coughed and it caused his anger to boil. You shivered in fear.

"PIERSON," Turner angrily yelled as he pulled Pierson away from you. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Confronting the private," he answered, with a hint of annoyance.

You stood there, trying to contemplate what happened. At the same time, you were recovering with the choking incident. You and the men were to watch the debate between the sergeant and lieutenant.

You liked it that way. You liked how Turner and Pierson argued for the little things. You hated the fact that Turner always dominate the argument.

"Still, it doesn't justify you killing her. You almost killed her," Turner argued.

"What do you mean killed her? She's still alive," Pierson fought back.

"Still, Pierson. What if you tightened your grip on her,"

"Why should I do that, Turner? I wouldn't kill her because she's the one who keep me sane. I couldn't kill her because I love her," Pierson blurted out.

Oh, boy. This isn't good. All of the men, including Turner, turned their gazes on you. Instantly, you became red in embarrassment and also flustered with Pierson saying that confession.

You knew it was accidental. Your eyes awkwardly scanned the area. You tried to scramble away from the many pair of eyes in front of you. However, Aiello blocked your only way of exit.

"No wonder the sergeant was soft to you last week. Just because he loved you," he mused.

"Now we know Pierson's sweet side," Zussman teased.

"Alright. We've been seeing each other for weeks," you confessed.

The color of your face changed its hue, from bright red to dark red. Pierson was attractive to your state right now. Your blushing and slightly nervous state turned him on.

"That's why every free time you were missing," Stiles stated.

Aiello had a dirty plan in his mind. Seducing the sergeant is the best way out and it suits for the dare.

"Now I know what dare to say if we play," Aiello smirked.

You knew what the man was thinking. Doing something that could leave embarrassment dancing in the outside. The thought of it makes you blush harder.

"Don't you dare do it, Aiello," you bellowed.

You were met with laughter by the men.


Here you are on his bed. Your head against his chest and your arm draped on his waist, hugging him. His hand supported your back, bringing you close.

"You shouldn't have done that," you whispered.

He used his other hand to gently touch your hair. It soothed you a lot. You missed this a lot. The last few days was unbearable. There were no touches and kisses.

You couldn't help, but blushed when you remembered the scene earlier. Now, the whole squad knew you and Pierson were a thing.

"At least, they knew who you belong to," he said. "You are mine and mine alone."

He kissed your forehead. The both of you were savoring this moment. You never wanted it to end. It was too good to end it.

That dominant side of him made you want him. Especially, bossing the other members squad around was a great one. You were commanded and instructed, but it didn't pissed you off. It turned you on.

He could be an asshole, but you can't help it. You loved him.


I'M NOT DEAD. Finally, I uploaded during our break. It was slow. A lot of school work going on. We're almost done with school. A few months (2 months more??) more and we done done.

So, I plan to make another oneshot. Still COD. Cuz, why not. What do you think I should write next? (Tell me in the comments)

Anyways, stay safe and be healthy, my dear readers. Have a nice day.


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