Feast For A Day- Joseph Turner x OC

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Will contain Smut.

Requested by Android_RK800

So, this will be an apology update. Since I wasn't active for almost a month. This is all I have to say: Requests are still open.


I checked about what the commotion is all about. People were packed outside. I didn't listen to announcement clearly. All we know that the soldiers are coming back from war.

The sad part is that Alaina Carson and Wisdom Churchill are wounded. I didn't know what kind of campaign was that.

My sister was right with one thing, the Carsons are secretive. They hide secrets discreetly.

My sister, Ellena Mercury woke me up from my thinking with the nudge of her elbow.

"You excited," she asked.

"For what,"

I don't really know what to be excited. She made me more puzzled.

She rolled her eyes. "The return of the soldiers. You didn't listen to the announcement?"

I couldn't find any explanation to fit to the situation. My mind was lost in concentration. Rather, the face of Joseph Turner printed in my mind.

I couldn't wait to hug him or welcome him back. I feel butterflies every time I am thinking of him. Yeah, you guess it, I like him. He is my crush and always will be.

"I did," I lied.

"C'mon, Isabel, I know you're thinking about him," she grinned.

"No, I'm not," I argued.

An argument almost sparked, but the soldiers arrived. When I looked beside me, my sister was gone. I was about to find her, but I found her talking with him.

She tricked me. Now, I stood here like an idiot. I am so dead later in the feast. The Carsons declared a feast for the soldiers.

God bless me and Joseph later.


The festivities were alive. Expensive food and decorations. The schedule was in the right timing. It synced in with the graduation of my sister.

People were dancing, drinking, eating, and chatting. I am here waiting for the celebration to end. My wait was over when a hand reached out to me in invitation.

It was him.

"A woman shouldn't be lonely during this time," he said. "Wanna dance?"

The thought of dancing ashamed me. I am not a skillful dancer. He could see the doubt in my eyes and body.

"Isabel, I don't know how to dance too," he reassured.

That was enough to go dance with him. As we reached the dance floor, he put one of his hand on my lower back as I held his remaining hand. The closeness of our bodies made me have a problem down in my area.

We swayed for minutes at the dance floor with the other dancers. Gosh, this was so awkward. I had a feeling Ellena was giggling behind my back.

After this, she is so dead to me.

"Can I stay for a night in your room," he spoke up.

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