Not Gonna Die -Turner

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You and your teammates were stationed by Alaina in Hurtgen Forest to assist the American soldiers. You were secretly helping them because one of your Creed members were there. That wasn't only the reason.

Your boyfriend, Joseph Turner.

He was in a lot of pressure during Aachen. He was lucky that you and Alaina were there to rescue German civilians. Alaina's brothers, Richard and Jeo, requested for backup.

You were supposed to guard by the trees. It wasn't a mistake to stroll at the beautiful sight of the spoiled. Until, you ended up to an unknown camp.

You took cover behind the tree and peeped for identified soldiers. You saw a familiar figure walking at a distance. It was Turner.

You moved away from your cover and pulled your hood away. A few soldiers were panicking as they saw you, but Turner halted them. It surprised you that he identified you despite your hideous gear.

"Any news about the front, Y/n," he asked.

"Nah, just more on guns moving non-stop all day," you answered.

A lot of soldiers would push harder because of our feet in their country. You knew how they hated being colonized. You were at their shoes before.

Forest was a lot cooler for Hitler. Damn, so much memories of training with the other Jews here.

"J-Joseph," you called, nervously.

Your tone caught Turner to a worry. He hated it when your condition was this one. He put you in a hug and patted your back. Your heartbeat pounded against his skin and your shaky breath fanned his face.

"Everything would be alright." he said, his voice full of warmth.

That kind of warmth would protect you from the cool and damp forest. You buried your head against his chest, making your breath stabilized.

"Turner," Pierson called out.

Turner looked away at the Sergeant while waiting for his superior. He already knew about Davis who was coming.

"I have to go. I'll see you later, Y/n." He said, kissing your cheek and leaving.

You knew there would be something wrong with the operation.


You were already back from your stroll. Stationed back at your spot, you sat there, waiting when would the two platoons merge. While taking sights, you saw a strange happening, Pierson with the second platoon.

What the hell happened to Turner?

Your mind alarmed you and you quickly got the radio. After a few clicks, you got a signal.

"Bravo 2, this is Bravo 1, do you copy," you asked.

"Copy, what is it Bravo One," a female asked.

"Is First Platoon in your position,"

They were silent. "Negative. I thought Pierson led First Platoon with Marks?"

You were so angry at the two men. Both of them do had the fault. Turner trusted Pierson so much while Pierson was so selfish.

"Bravo Two, please be advised that First Platoon is divided into pieces. Turner led half of the men of the First Platoon," you said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Copy," they ended the transmission.

You switched the transmission at Bravo Three, the group that were stationed at the barn. You had to be sure that they were assisting of rounding up the remaining men.

"Bravo Three, Bravo Three, do you copy," you asked.

When they answered, there were gunshots interrupting the transmission. Until, one assassin picked up the phone.

"Copy, what is it Bravo One," she asked.

"Bravo Three, what is your status,"

"Heavy fire, my friend. Still assisting First Platoon,"

"Bravo Three, I have a few instructions after assisting them. Gather them up, heal the wounded, proceed to my position," you instructed.

"Didn't copy, what," confusion filled his voice.

"Gather them up, do things necessary, and move up. Listen, I am at the base of the hill," you repeated.

"Roger that, boss," she said, before cutting the transmission.


A few shots of bullets for the Nazis. It took awhile before they grew in number. Death could be in their doorstep.

I was right in a few moments. You saw Turner being pierced by the bullet at his chest. That was when your wings stopped to save him. Your eyes grew lost in concentration that your comrade pushed you away from a explosion.

You were on the floor while she was glaring at you. It was obvious that you hadn't listen to any orders given.

"Y/n, I said, throw some smoke grenades at the front!" She yelled, throwing a smoke grenade at the front.

She saw how worried and distracted at the knowledge of the operation. You tried to convince them not to take this route.

It landed at the side of the Germans. You were kind of giddy when you picked up your rifle. The sight of bodies made you a little sick.

Your eagle were revived when the First Platoon pushed back. You jumped off from your position and landed in front of them.

You came near to Joseph and he grabbed your hand. His hand was deadly cold. You knew too well he was going to say his last goodbye. You never gave up at him and this operation.

"You're not gonna die, Joseph. I will assure you that," you reassured.

You left his hand and ran behind the sacks. You waited for the right time to throw the grenade. As smoke arose, all of your men showered bullets at the enemy.

As you looked back, the First and Second Platoon left. All of you were left to finish the fight. Maybe they left to aid their wounded Lieutenant. Your thoughts were wrong when you saw them pushed forward.

The more you succeed, the more enemies come forward. You ran out of men and ammo. You used your bare hands to wrestle a soldier. Until, a bullet entered your body, forcing you to push back. You used your last resort, your pistol. You killed the soldier with a pistol.

Your bleeding hip brought attention to Daniels. When he assisted you, you saw one assassin helping the others by sniping. Everyone retreated from the hill while you were aided by the medics.

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