Control- (Turner)

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Ooooooh, I'm sorry for the late update. I planned on publishing this last week or two weeks ago. I'm busy with preparing for my graduation pictorial. I wanna say thank you for supporting me and understanding me.

This is a special update for all of you. This oneshot will contain smut. You have been warned! As I said, there is sexual content.


"Look at you. So desperate for me. Are you like this when the platoon is around?" you smirked.

You pushed Turner down on the bed and tied his hands of the headboard. He squirmed on the bed because he is blinded with lust. Desperation made him pull the handcuffs. You hadn't strip your clothes in front of him yet.

He nodded.

His response made you giggle.

You unzipped your dress you bought back home. You put it on to please your Lieutenant. You were right. Sinful and dirty thoughts flood his mind as his eyes roam your legs and chest. Your dress fell on the floor and you kicked it away.

Your brassiere and panties are revealed to his hungry eyes. Lastly, you removed your panties, revealing your wet core. You decided that you had enough teasing him. You climbed on the bed and straddled him. You rolled your wetness on his manhood.

He groaned in pleasure, making you giggle. He wanted to stop you teasing him and plunging him on you. You liked the fact he pulled on the cuffs in frustration.

"Do you like that, Joseph?" you asked.

You continued rolling which made it hard to answer. This made him groan again in pleasure. 

"Yes. Please stop teasing me, Y/n," he begged.

"You're gasping in our round one of our game. I'm not done teasing you yet, darling," you mused.

You put your core on his mouth and he started to eat you out. Your fluids dripped down on his mouth. You quickly removed your brassiere and started to play with your breasts.

"YES. This is so good, Joseph. OH SHIT," you moaned out as you came.

You moved your core out of his mouth. His face is filled with your juices and he is a panting mess in front of you. A smile formed on your face as you kissed him deeply. He kissed back and the kiss is so short.

As a tease yourself, you decided to cut it short. You bit his lip before abruptly pulling away from his lips. He wanted more of you because he tried to reach you. However, his restraints stop him from doing so.

"Here is my reward for you, baby," you said.

His state turned you on. Here he is, panting and frustrated on your teasing. He was impatient with your little game and teasing. You removed his pants and boxers. His manhood was finally released from his cage. It caused him to sigh in excitement and relief.

You dipped down on his manhood and gave him kitty licks. She then pumped the manhood, making him moan. The gesture make him fall his head back in pleasure. After one final and long lick, she put him in her mouth and bobbed her head.

"Shit, Y/n." he panted out.

Longing to taste more of him, she bobbed faster. Turner bucked his hips in stimulation and suddenly came on your mouth. The white fluid danced on your mouth and drooled out of it. 

You swallowed the white fluid. Your state made Turner flustered. You smiled as the fluid flowed down your body.

"You taste so damn good, Lieutenant," you grinned.

His dick entered your core as the both of you moaned. You adjusted to his size and began bouncing on it. He moaned in pleasure as you threw your head back due to you g-spot being hit. Eyes closed, head thrown back, and mouth open for moans and screams.

You continued that motion of bouncing until you felt your orgasm coming near. You decided to set free his arms from the restraints. As you did so, he flipped you down on the bed. He lifted your leg and entered you. It caused you to scream and yelp. His motions were rough and fast.

A mixture of moans, scream, and groans filled the room as your body became sweaty. It felt so hot and erotic that you panted. Suddenly, orgasm hit you, but Turner kept going. This made you overstimulated and sighed tiredly as he continued the motion.

Thank goodness, he came afterwards. His fluids mixed in with yours as he laid beside you on the bed. You laid your head on his chest as his arm kept your body close to his.

"That was amazing," you chuckled.

"I never expect you to do that to me," he said.

You laughed. "Then, expect that in the future."

"I love you," he declared.

"I love you too." you said, pecking his lips before falling asleep.


Mom, please give me holy water. Anyone, please give me holy water for this content. Meooow. This is intense because I'm never good with smut. I apologize. Anyway, here is my update. I hope you enjoy (and give me holy water). Have a nice day and stay safe.


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