My Dear Best Friend- (Stiles)

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There was this request for Stiles. Also, I have been watching some sad scenes for anime that involves rejection. So why not add it in a oneshot.

There will be a twist in the oneshot. This twist will be for the sake of the oneshot.

This is requested by mikaTsukimi

Hope you enjoy, bois. Have a nice day!


Aiello and Zussman forced you and Stiles to sit in the rooftop. All of you just liberated Paris from the horrid clutches of the Nazis.

As a sign of celebration, they forced you and Stiles in the rooftop. You anticipated this would be very awkward.

Spending time with your crush in the rooftop of the City of Love is making you nervous. A blush painted on your cheeks as both of you sat down. He is so close. He is literally beside you.

You shivered as the cold air hit your bodies. His closeness made you warm in the night's breeze. The both of you gazed at the colorful fireworks.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," he asked.

You nodded.

It was indeed beautiful. You expected more from this event. A nice romantic place for couples. However, Stiles didn't see that. He saw it as a photo opportunity.

"Such a shame. I wish my family could see this," he said.

F-Family? Probably, he's ma and pa.

"I know," you sighed.

The firecrackers cracked in the sky. Peace and silence filled the space between the both of you.

Stiles remembered that the boys told him that you wanted to tell him something. It was clear that you didn't orchestrate it. Rather, you were framed.

"Aiello told me that you want to tell me something,"

The statement made your brain snap up. Probably, this was the right time to confess your feelings to him. This is a good place and good time to tell him.

"S-Stiles I...I...I love you," you muttered.

Your mouth tasted like metal. You wanted to cry in embarrassment. You wanted time to run fast so that you could get this over with.

Stiles sighed. "Y/n, I have a wife and kid back home."

Your eye widened at the confession. Your eyes prepared some tears to fall. You didn't expect that to go south. You weren't the type to seduce married men.

He didn't mind your shocked expression. He put a hand on your shoulder in a friendly manner.

"You're my best friend, Y/n. That's why I care for you,"

You stood up and ran away from the rooftop. This action made Stiles stand and looked at you in confusion. You ran before your tears would engulf your face.

The boys waited in the streets below. They saw you sprint down quickly. Their smile turned to a pout when they saw you crying.

"Hey, Y/n. How-" Aiello was interrupted by Daniels.

You ignored them and ran straight to your hotel. You didn't mind people at you. You didn't care if you are crying and running.

You unlocked your hotel room. You closed the door and leaned on it by your back. You sobbed and cried your heart out.

You didn't cry because of his wife. You cried because you never expected it. You thought he was single. He made you feel that way.

You lazily walked to your bed and laid down on your stomach. His statement played in your head. You cried and sobbed again.

"I have a wife and a kid back home,"

Your heart is pierced. It hurt so bad and the effects can last long. The worst part is he would avoid you. Avoiding you would be the best option for him.

You rolled to your side as you continued to cry. You had no mood to celebrate. You knew that Stiles would avoid you and never notice you again. This was because of a damn confession.


That...that was new. Hehehe. Some stories are meant to have a bad/sad ending. This is what happened when I watch anime rejections.

Thanks for this request, my dear reader. Have a nice day, my dear readers.


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