Admit It! (Stiles)

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A very cold winter after a very gloomy death of the most important figure of the platoon, Joseph Turner. Pierson became the winter of most of it. Christmas meant for a celebration.

"C'mon, Stiles. Admit it!" Zussman laughed, nudging him.

The heart of madness was still in him. Of course, his partner was still there snapping pictures of the war. Emotions colliding as Aiello approached you. Nervous as shit he knew what that Aiello is going to do.

You were open to what Aiello was about to say. Little did you know that it was something hidden. You were too focused to the pictures taken.

"Hey, L/n, wanna join us? You look lonely with that camera of yours," Aiello invited.

You smiled. "Sure thing,"

You moved to the bon fire. They gave space for you to sit beside Stiles in the bon fire. Stiles burned red as he watched his friends snickered at him.

"Hey, L/n, do you want to stay in a tent with Stiles," Aiello asked, holding his laughter.

Aiello tried to make the situation serious as possible. His face doesn't give it enough seriousness.

You were kind of confused of what kind of sentiment he was showing right now. You saw Stiles' eyes focusing at the ground.

Stiles wanted to tell this to you. He didn't want have the pinch of courage to tell it to you. A single push of strength.

He let out all his nervous air in him and gained everything. That everything would end up you and him together. Finally, he stood up.

"L/n, can you come with me," he asked.

"Sure thing." You answered, standing up.

The fact there were a lot of snickers behind you puzzled you. The two of you headed to a private part of the camp. The dark cold enveloped you, but Stiles' company made it warmer.

Stiles suddenly stopped and you were there standing in confusion. His eyes darted everywhere in nervousness. You noticed this, but you knew there was something.

"Stiles, is there something wrong," you asked.

"No, everything is fine. Um...L/n, this will sound weird." he said nervously, having a difficulty forming words. "I love you. I'm sorry I-"

You cut him off with a kiss. The kiss was a short smooch. This was to show how you ached for him for a long time.

"I love you too," you whispered.

The intimate talk was distracted by Aiello's whistle. That mischievous grin in his face and the men behind you made us blush.

"Hey, guys, here comes the two lovers," he announced, smirking.


A/n: Hey, my dear readers, sorry if this take long to make. I have a lot of work to do during the school year. I have some clarification in this author's note I have to make. Read this dialogue:

Reader: "Hi, do you do lemons?"

Me: "Yes, I do lemons. However, if someone requested it.

The dialogue above is a clarification about some issues in my oneshot. I do smut if someone requests it.

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