Painting Relief- Daniels

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This is a special request that cured my writer's block. Thank goodness, I was helped by my friend.

This is requested by Valexis08

Enjoy, the story...


After the divorce of Ronald and his wife, Hazel, you couldn't help, but feel so bad for them. Or, rather, Ronald himself. According to rumors or your strong ears, Hazel was cheating on the man.

Every time you brought the cookies you baked to Ronald, you could see him drinking excessively. As your friendship grew, you helped him a lot. Especially, letting him relax in your house.

You had a lot of paintings you painted by hand. You had a single room dedicated to it. Surprisingly, Daniels found your house clean.

The paintings made him relax so much. He looked and walked around to take a glance at the paintings you created.

"Wow, Y/n, I love all of them," he said, his voice in awe.

"Thanks, Ronald," you smiled.

"You know all the paintings made my memories about Hazel die down. Thank you for all the efforts you made to make me whole again," he said, before hugging you.

He pulled away from you to get something. He got a bouquet of flowers that he bought using his hard earned money.

You were confused when he did that. You wanted a kiss, not a hug. You loved Ronald, but he didn't know about it.

"There is something more than the painting that makes me whole. Or makes my life more colorful." He said, revealing the flowers and kneeling.

Your heart wanted to drop when you saw the flowers and his gesture. You hoped it was for you and yours alone. You held your hands together to hide the excitement hidden in you.

"It is you who made my life colorful. Will you be my girlfriend," he proposed.

You nodded, not hiding the tears in your eyes. "Yes!"

He embraced you again. He pulled you away, but pulled you in a kiss. That was awaited by your inner self.

"I love you, Ronald," you said.

"I love you, too, Y/n,"


After the whole proposal made by Ronald, you decided to live together. He decided to stay in your house. He worked in the city while you stayed in the house.

At least, each month he went to visit you. However, one month destroyed the system. He didn't visit you. You were waiting for him, that you watched the days carefully.

Paranoia struck you ahead. Was he just playing with you the entire time? Your money was running out. Worst, was he cheating on you?

The sound of a car came by in your ears. Joy overcame your paranoid self. You opened the house with hope in your eyes.

Ronald was there, getting out of the car. You couldn't contain yourself. Your tears fell on your cheeks. You ran to hug him. You jumped and got on a huge embrace.

"Oh, Y/n, I miss you so much," he said.

You stopped the hug, feeling a rinse of doubt inside you. Ronald looked at you in confusion.

"Where were you," you asked, looking down in sadness.

He chuckled. "Oh, Y/n, I had to stay there because my boss won't let me leave."

You nodded.

The both of you held hands while going inside your house. He saw the paintings his eyes didn't see before. It was new.

"Of course, I have to change it so I won't be mad at myself," you explained.

Ronald set his glances on every painting. You were there watching the entire time. Finally, happiness overcame your fear.

"You know, I owe you all the love. You loved me and cheered me up." He said, before kneeling in front of you. "I hope this can cheer you up." He showed you the velvet box.

Now, you know why he wasn't here for months. Everything came in realization. You knew about the scene that was in action in your eyes. He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring. It wasn't his proposal yet. You were now crying.

"Y/n L/n, will you marry me," he proposed.

You nodded. "Yes, Ronald. I would love to marry you,"

He stood up and put the ring on your ring finger. He brought you back into a hug before kissing you.


I should have listened to you, Valexis08. I hate my ideas now. I wanted to cry now because this is not my best. I'm sorry, guys. Especially, the one who requested this, I'm so sorry.

I could rewrite this oneshot again if you guys want to. Overall, I'm not satisfied. Anyways, it's your view about the oneshot.

I'll see you all, dear readers.


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