Chapter 3

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(This and most chapters are out of character because I want Levi to be more easy-going while he's still young).

          We were walking around town, searching for something fun to do. I and Levi decided to spend some time together since we'd just became friends a few days back. But we had no idea of what to do since there wasn't much to do in the underground. We weren't talking much since we'd just met and the silence was comfortable.

          "This is so boring." I said, looking around for something interesting.

          "It was your idea."

          "And, what is your idea?" I asked, annoyed by his comment.

          "I don't have one." He turned his face the other way.

          We walked past a few men that were sitting around and playing cards and I recalled that I'd stolen some a few months ago, but since I didn't have anyone to play with they were just saved in a bookshelf. I turned around to face Levi with a smirk and pushed his arm, uncrossing it to make him walk before he could say anything.

          "I just had a great idea." I said as I fastened my pace.

          He looked at me like as if I was planning something mischievous, but kept walking as I pushed his arm. We made it to my house, a few roads away from where we were wandering around, and I could see the confusion and curiosity in his face as he stared from me to my house and back to me.

          I ignored his stares and opened the door, racing inside to go look for the deck that I didn't know where I had left. Turns out it wasn't on the bookshelf, but on my nightstand. I turned back to face Levi and watched as he hesitated to come in and examined everything around him.

          "This place stinks." He said as he finally came in.

          "I don't usually stay much time home and everything I have here either is stolen or given, so I don't care..." I answered naively, looking around. "But, hey! Couldn't you be a little nice? It takes me a lot of time when I do clean it." I said, embarrassed.

          "Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "What is that?" He asked, looking at the deck in my hands.

          "We're gonna play cards." I smiled and raced for the small table next to my bed and cleaned it with a wet cloth, drying it with another. I opened the small rectangular window of the room and sat on the floor next to the table, waiting for him to do the same.

         "Do you know how to play?"

          Sitting in front of me, he simply shrugged and I supposed he didn't have a clue.

          "Seriously..." I started. "Let's play 'go fish'. I can teach you." He stared at me and I could see how he thought the name was ridiculous.

          I started to tell him the rules, what to do and what not to do. He listened to me with attention and watched as I shuffled the cards, again and again. I gave him seven cards and took seven for me as well.

          "Want to go first? Just to check if you got it." I watched him pick a card and place it on the table.

          It was a three of hearts. I smiled and placed a two of clubs in front of his.

          "I won because my number is lower, and now, I shuffle." I shuffled the cards again and dealt them clockwise, giving him seven and placing seven to me. "Want to go first?" I asked again, trying to get any word from his mouth that was shut, until now.

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