Chapter 6

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          I woke up for the second time of the day. 

          I was lying on a rooftop, waiting for something to change the absurdly exhaustive and stressful day that I was having. It'd been two days since I had last seen my mother for the first time in ages and I still couldn't believe what she had done to me. I tried to let it go since she was never a present mother to begin with, but I was weak and kept wondering that everything bad that happened to me and my father was her fault.

          Always the same... It doesn't go away...

          Earlier that day, I tried going for a walk since I couldn't fall asleep and ended up fighting a bunch of adult men that triggered my anger. Sometimes, it was just like that and I couldn't control myself. A lot had happened to me during  those two years, but I was trying to force myself to change and behave.

           I had been extremely nervous and irritated in the last few days, so I tried to stay away from Levi as much as possible. Which wasn't difficult since he didn't come to me many times. I was ranging in anger at everything I saw in front of me, remembering how I helped the killing of my dad and how he would still be alive if it weren't for that disgraceful person leaving us.

          I groaned and turned around still lying and clenched my jaw not looking specifically at anything but focusing my anger on the memories I had from two days ago.

          Getting up, I decided to take a walk around where I had last seen her. So maybe, I could get some answers. I thought I was fine if she decided to keep me away from her new life, but treating me like trash was the reason I couldn't let it pass by without getting anxious or nervous. I noticed I was walking past Levi's house and decided to fasten my pace since I didn't want to be around him.

     Shit, I just don't want him to see me.

     Suddenly, I heard a door slamming and turned around seeing Levi with two clothes, one covering his hair and the other covering his mouth. I watched him and cringed at what he was wearing. 

          He noticed me.

          What the hell is he doing?

          We looked at each other for a moment, both awkward, and I wondered if it was better to just leave him to whatever he was doing. 

          "Great, you're here. Come and be useful." He simply said while getting inside.

           I shrugged and headed to his house door. What else could I do now that he catched me walk by? If I didn't go he might've thought I was angry at him and I didn't want him to be upset.

          "What are you even doing?" I asked before he threw me a broomstick.

          "I'm cleaning... Something you should do to your house."

          I gasped at his sudden sassy behaviour. I knew he paid close attention to whether something was clean or not. But now, I thought that maybe he was too obsessed with it. 

          "What are you? A clean freak?" I teased, getting closer to him.

          He didn't step back and just kept eye contact. It was as if he didn't want to lose my slightest movement. Always staring right back as if he wanted to capture the entire picture. As if I would vanish at any second.

          He groaned, something in him changed. Almost as if he was holding back to say or do something. Instead, he just kept his posture, answered with our usual energy.

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