Chapter 11

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       "Seriously, why is this so heavy?"

       Levi and I were walking down the streets, carrying some boxes with supplies that we managed to buy after saving some money. My arms were hurting from carrying the packages for almost half an hour. I didn't know what was inside those, but cursed Levi under my breath, for making me carry his stuff. He was carrying way more packages, but it still hurt since I didn't have as much strength as him. I shifted the boxes to not make them fall.

       "Where did all that strength go?" Levi teased.

       I faced him with greeted teeth.

       "I've told you, before! I can't do those things all the time!"

       "That's because you lack training." He sassed.

       I groaned and looked away frustrated. I and Levi have just started dating, but nothing really changed between us apart from being slightly more close and touchy. I was happy to know that Levi liked me back, after all this time of daydreaming about him. I didn't even know how long he had liked me back. For me, it would be around two years and maybe for him just a few weeks. It didn't matter as long as we were together.

       "What are you smiling at?"

       "Just thinking about yesterday." I grinned.

       He rolled his eyes, smiling. "You're not going to get clingy now. Are you?"

       "What do you mean? I've been clingy, all along."

       "That's annoying." He clicked his tongue, looking away.

       "Now, you're smiling!" I joked, bumping his shoulder with mine as I smirked. "Have you finally softened?"

      He stared at me with an irritated glare and fastened his pace, ignoring my silly question. I ran to catch up with him with a smile and we exchanged a comfortable glare.

       "Let's just hurry and get this done, before you pass away from pain." He said.

       "Are we lost?" I asked.

       We had been walking around for a long time and my legs were starting to give up. At first, I thought we were going home but after a few different turns, I realised that Levi was taking us somewhere else. I decided to not question him, but I was getting suspicious by the minute. We stopped walking after fifteen more minutes and I rested the boxes on the floor, barely feeling my arms. I turned to face Levi that was looking at me concerned.

       "You, okay?" He asked, getting on my level, once he freed his hands.

       "Yeah... What are we doing here, anyways?"


       I stared at him confused, and suddenly I heard a whistle. I turned in the direction of the sound and watched as a bunch of old men of all kinds started to come out of dark corners.

      Sensing that they were probably dangerous, I hide behind Levi's legs as I still felt to tired to move mine the way I wanted. I clenched my fists and supported my weight on my left knee, ready to get up if I needed. I turned to Levi that was focusing on them and waited for an outcome.

       "Relax, brat. We're not here to fight."

       Finally understanding what was happening, I focused back on the people that were standing in front of us and gasped at the sight of women and children hiding behind the malnourished men. I got on my feet and glanced at the boxes and then back to the people.

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