Chapter 10

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          "Take these with you and share with your lover."

           I took, in my hands, the bag Rachel handed me. It contained the left cookies that we ended up not eating and saved them in the pocket of my cloak.

           "I'll make sure to share."

           "When will you visit us again, big sis?" Mania asked, grabbing my shirt.

           "I'll come back Friday if it's no trouble." I said, asking permission from Rachel.

           "Well, of course, but you have to bring me updates."

           My face reddened and I scratched my neck. She was talking about Levi and I had a feeling this was just the beginning of her teasing.

           "I will." I said, feeling a little more determined.

          "When you come back, can you teach me how to fight?" Zart asked with shiny eyes.

          "You're already strong on your own. I don't think you need to."

          "Please! I wanna be strong like you, big sis!" He shouted while pushing my hand and making puppy eyes. I immediately surrended.

          I turned to Rachel who was smiling agreeably and sighed.

         "Okay, but you'll have to behave or no deal. I'll teach Mania too, and then, we'll play together."


         I petted their heads. "Of course!"

         "Thank you, big sis!" They cheered in unison.

          "Then, I should go. " I said, before hugging the kids goodbye.

          I came closer to Rachel and received a big and warm bear hug. I chuckled, same as her, and started to back away while waving at them. Listening to their goodbyes with a smile I turned around a corner.

          I walked back home, taking the longest path as I had too many things to think about. In my mind, the only thing was Levi and I wondered if he was with Heike, having fun on their date. I had, basically, just promised Rachel I would declare my feelings to Levi.  I was very determined a few moments ago, but while I was walking back home anxiety took over my body.

          I heard loud steps, coming from my right and turned my head in it's direction, scared something dangerous was about to happen. I was shocked to see Levi, standing across the road, looking tired and breathing heavily. Heike was right behind him, staring in concern.

           "Levi?" I asked, grabbing his attention.

           He noticed me and his eyes opened wide, surprised to see me. I gulped when he frowned his brows and clenched his fists while he walked fast, and in loud heavy steps, in my direction. He looked upset. Worse than that, he looked angry. I wondered what was going on and backed away slightly when he stopped in front of me and kept the same serious semblance.

         "Are you okay?" I asked, getting worried.

         Suddenly, in a fast movement, Levi got close to me and I was so scared that I thought he was going to kick my ass. I closed my eyes tight and tried to protect myself, bringing my hands to my chest, but I was surprised to receive a tight and needed a hug from him, instead of a kick or punch. Maybe I did need a punch to come out of the sudden daze.

         In shock, I turned to face Heike that was pouting in discontentment.

         "Did something happen?"

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