Chapter 9

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           "Go open the door, brat. I'm busy."

           I spent the night at Levi's, again. It was beginning to become a routine, and he also began to talk to me differently. He usually said the same things just more gently. I couldn't tell what changed more than that, but it did. In a good way, I'd say. He looked more relaxed and it was easier to be around him.

          We spent the morning talking about what we were going to do when the month was over and we ran out of supplies. I was lying against his bed and watched while he searched for something in a old cupboard when I heard a knock on his door.

           "Are you waiting for someone?" I asked, and I could help myself from sounding jealous.

           Ever since we had encountered that blonde girl something sparked in me and althought I hated it, I couldn't contain itm I just hoped Levi didn't see through me to that extend.

          He turned to me, from fitting his head inside the cupboard, and frowned.

         "No, I'm not. Don't make a move." He whispered the last part, loud enough for me to hear.

          I did as he said and sat up, not making a noise and waited for the outcome. I'd be ready to run if it was a dangerous visit for Levi. I watched him hesitate and think if he should open the door or not. He ended up opening it and I gasped at the person on the other side.

          "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, not masking my disgust.

          "I came to thank you for helping me yesterday." Heike said, smiling from ear to ear.

          I was furious and rolled my eyes at her audacity. I thought I'd never had to deal with that girl again, and maybe, that was my stupidity, preventing me from seeing clearly that she was probably a stalker or worse, a psychopath. I clenched my jaw and crossed my arms, trying to ignore her presence. I could feel their stares on me, but I did nothing.

          "How did you know where to find me?" Levi asked, rather annoyed.

          "I asked someone on my way down the path you guys took yesterday and got lucky." She explained and I narrowed my eyes at her, not buying a word of what she said. "A-And, also, I was wondering..."

          "Just talk." Levi ordered, seeing as the girl stopped in the middle of her sentence.

          "I wanted to ask you if you'd... If you'd like to go on a date with me!" She asked and both I and Levi stared at her dumbfounded. I could feel my body tense and burn, not knowing how to react. She turned to me, smiling for a second and that awakened the worst in me, but I tried to calm myself down. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and kept my cool.

          "Bullshit. Why would I go out with you? Just get out already." Levi spat.

          "You don't need to come with me today, but that just means I'll keep coming, until you agree."

           "What did you say?" He began, raising his voice.

            "Maybe you should go with her." I said, before he could continue.

            He glared at me in confusion as to why I'd say that. I didn't know what I was saying either.

           "If she keeps coming, it might get troublesome. Do her this favour, and if we're lucky, she won't come again." I got up and picked my cloak up, too bothered to keep watching the scene before me.

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