The Morgans

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         Part II🍒

          I used to fear what lied beyond my eyesight, the world that looked promising but consumed me of any hopes. That was the world that I watched through the windows and that is the same world that I can't escape even after going through so many wars in my life. Althought I've grown to face that world, I still feel like the same child hiding behind the curtains.

           And even if that is what keeps me from running out the door, something has changed in me. I don't look through the glass hating the world, but hoping for a glimpse of that dark hair and those cold eyes. I've never been the same after I left Levi behind and I keep searching for him every passing second of my life. I picture him on the other side, staring back at me from the corner of my eyes. He doesn't smile but he isn't angry. He doesn't move at the distance yet it feels like we're just inches away. He doesn't talk, yet I understand him.

          I tried my best to not stand in front of the window thinking of him the entire day as I had duties to accomplish. I have been serving in a manor since the Warehouse Incident. I was stripped away from my friends, my found family and my love but I was also given clothes, food, a bed and collegues to share my days with when I was lonely the most. I didn't want to be ungrateful for what this people did for me, but in my heart, I would rather starve in the streets with Levi than having myself thorn apart for missing him.

          After the Morgans appeared to rescue me from the thugs that cornered us, I agreed to go work for them as a way to spare Levi. Turns out that I was knocked out in the warehouse and later woke up in the streets at night with Levi holding me. He had this strange machine on his hips and tried to protect me from the thugs that followed behind us. It was then that the Morgans appeared, killed the thugs and revealed that Lady Fay was an old friend and that she was there to not just rescue me but make me pay an old debt of my mother.

          How we ended up there was still a mystery and I didn't have time to ask Levi before I was taken away from him.

          That day kept tormenting me for five long years. Five years of earning for the comfort I could only find in him and five years of nightmares for missing him so much. In that time, I trained hard to obtain my freedom and watched as everything changed before my eyes. I grew taller, stronger and received an education. My hair grew and my hips became larger. I was not a girl anymore but a woman with responsabilities.

          As someone who has been trained for that large amount of time to stick to an agenda, I let go of my inner misfortunes and walked back to the common room, where Lady Fay, my mistress, would be expecting me. Today I was going to be dismissed from my duties as a servant at Lady Fay's household and become a free woman, at last. I couldn't be more excited, for that meant there was a great possibility of returning home.

          I checked my clothes and hid my pistol before knocking on the door. It was costume for me, being the bodyguard of a mistress, to carry a weapon for protection only and I had to present to work everyday wearing it. Lady Fay was fond of a good presentation and all formalities.

          "Madam, can I come in?" I asked, waiting patiently for a response.

          I heard some coughing from the other side and heavy breathing but it didn't take long to hear her voice.

          "It's open!"

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