Chapter 8

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          I was doing some wood craving work in a shape of a bird, just a small hobby to pass the time, when I heard a knock on my door. I put the semi-finished figure on a table and hide the loose blade on my sleeve, already expecting the worse since no one usually came see me. I didn't exactly live in a place safe to have visits over.

         I slowly opened the door, which didn't have a magic eye, in expectation. I sighed when Levi stood on the other side.

          "Since when do you knock on my door?" I said, making space to let him pass.

          He side glared at me.

          "Shouldn't I, anymore?"

          "Just warn me before you appear... Like that: out of nowhere." I said, taking the blade of the hidden spot and throwing it over the table.

         He watched me in silence and glared at the metal resting against the table's surface. I jumped on the bed, rolling myself on the blanket. I stared at him like I always do... With expectation.

          "Waiting for someone else?" He frowned, taking a sit on the chair in front of me.

          Sometimes when he asked me things like that, I swore his demeanour changed to a darker one. Levi could be possessive sometimes, but I never considered he would become jealous someday. I wasn't sure if I'd ever want to see him that way.

          "Not you... And, I thought you might know by this time in our friendship that I'm not exactly friendly to anyone else."

          "Yeah, I can see that." He smirked and I glared at him annoyed. "Think someone's after you?"

          "Well, yeah. I'm a woman, Levi. Try having nasty men sneaking up behind your back trying to kidnap you... Duplicate that risk for the mere fact that I'm me, having to deal with a bunch of thugs wanting their revenges for getting their ass kicked or stolen, and I'm the perfect target."

          "That often?" He asked.

          I sighed a little too loud.

         "Of course that happens. You have no sense of reality, do you?" I asked, chuckling and denying with my head because I couldn't see him being oblivious to what is going on with women in the underground.

          "No. I mean, that happens to you?"

          I blinked slightly irritated.

         "What..? Am I different from any other woman? It's just natural for it to happen in a miserable place like the one we're living in..."

          "That's not what I meant, brat. It's just difficult to picture you getting jumped by someone, when you're usually the person who hits first." Levi said, smirking little and picking up the half finished bird he found by my bed.

          He threw it a couple times in the air just to catch it again and examine it.

          "I'm weak, Levi. What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding how he knew about my reputation.

          I didn't make it a secret but I also didn't tell him all about my life during those two years of surviving street fights. The less he knew the better it made me feel with myself.

          "When we met, you beat four pigs to dust. You remember, right? You were supposed to be dead and you are still the only person that keeps fighting me for hours, if it ever comes to that far. I don't think you know how strong you can be."

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